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Leo’s Tech Blog
Leo’s Tech Blog
A personal blog on tech stuff. Includes older entries that used to live on techblog.leosoto.com
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Speaking at “Java Day”, sponsored by INACAP Osorno

Posted by Leo Soto on June 11th, 2011.

What!? Didn’t I hate Java?

Well. not exactly. I do think that it is used for a lot of tasks in which a more powerful language should be used instead…

The Flex Compiler Shell Daemon

Posted by Leo Soto on October 5th, 2008.

Some days ago I created a project on Google Code Hosting: the Flex Compiler Shell Daemon, or fcshd for short.

The Devil is in the Details

Posted by Leo Soto on July 5th, 2008.

It’s a cliché, but really, look at this commit message I just wrote. It’s for a supposedly simple change I made to Jython to get '%d' % foo and '%f' % bar working, on some corner cases[1]:

Cinemark Should Learn Unicode

Posted by Leo Soto on April 4th, 2008.

Crappy photo taken last weekend on a Cinemark: it shows, in the text on the middle, the title of the movie “Crónicas de Spiderwick” mangled by the incorrect interpretation of UTF-8 data as ISO8859–1.

Out-of-process memoization using memcached

Posted by Leo Soto on March 24th, 2008.

This is my humble recognition of memcached (“a high-performance, distributed memory object caching system”) usefulness. It is not a language or platform dependent tool, so do not overlook it…

On Code Excess

Posted by Leo Soto on January 22nd, 2008.

Code size is a problem of in software engineering. Some people even think it is the most important problem we have.

But it is not code size alone. You may not be working on a mammoth code base, but code size…

Null Evilness is a Java fault

Posted by Leo Soto on November 23rd, 2007.

This week Marty touched a sensible spot in his article “Returning None is Evil”, where, aside from what’s obvious from the title, he claims that this behaviour is something popular on the Java mindset.

Doctests for Ruby

Posted by Leo Soto on August 23rd, 2007.

I’m a big fan of Python doctests. They are easy to write (copy and paste from your interpreter), very clean (no subclassing, no assert*, etc.) and serve very well as documentation.

I’m not against patterns. I’m against languages that rely too much on them.

Posted by Leo Soto on August 19th, 2007.

Some people misunderstood my last rant as a direct attack against patterns. It’s not. It’s indirect.

Comparing Django with Servlets+EJB: Lines of source code

Posted by Leo Soto on January 22nd, 2007.

There are too much areas to make a comparision between languages and web frameworks. We have seen from hard perfomance benchmarks to much more soft happiness…