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Ruby on Rails

Leo’s Tech Blog
Leo’s Tech Blog
A personal blog on tech stuff. Includes older entries that used to live on techblog.leosoto.com
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Loading Rails Fixtures Without Deleting Existing Records

Posted by Leo Soto on May 28th, 2008.

This blog post by choonkeat explain how to overcome the ruby limitation which forbids the use of the “class [name-of-the-class-to-monkeypatch]” statement inside methods.

Rails Migrations Gotcha: Backward-Incompatible Model Changes

Posted by Leo Soto on April 9th, 2008.

I’m pushing for adoption of Rails Migration on all Rails projects on my job (we use them on a few). As a consequence, I won the assignment of writing migrations…

Security by Stupidity I: Rails and attr_accesible

Posted by Leo Soto on December 15th, 2007.

Sometimes you get surprised how frameworks and/or applications messes things up when trying to deal with security. Here is one example.

Things a Ruby Developer Should Know?

Posted by Leo Soto on December 8th, 2007.

I’m currently working on a Ruby on Rails web application. I’m happy again because the language doesn’t get on my way while programming. But I’m far from being a seasoned Ruby programmer, so I’ve…