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Leo’s Tech Blog
Leo’s Tech Blog
A personal blog on tech stuff. Includes older entries that used to live on techblog.leosoto.com
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Software Architecture, the US, Outsourcing, and R&D

Posted by Leo Soto on November 1st, 2009.

The U.S. Is Outsourcing Away Its Competitive Edge is an interesting article. I’m not a business person (yet!) so I won’t comment on the core message of the article. But…

Automated Testing Is Not The Silver Bullet

Posted by Leo Soto on December 20th, 2007.

“Automated tests ensure the software is working as designed. Human tests ensure the design is working.”

Context Switching Burns Programmers

Posted by Leo Soto on November 15th, 2007.

Here is yet another essay about programmers getting promoted into management. I agree with many things exposed, and disagree with others, but here is something I couldn’t agree more:

Software is hard, part II

Posted by Leo Soto on November 12th, 2007.

…as already pointed out.

I know I don’t really need too much evidence, but here we have some numbers about failure rate on IT projects. They can be handy someday ;-)

Software is Hard

Posted by Leo Soto on October 8th, 2007.

Not exactly news, but a very good reading anyway: Software is Hard

Some remarkable quotes below.

About Software Estimation