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Leo’s Tech Blog
Leo’s Tech Blog
A personal blog on tech stuff. Includes older entries that used to live on techblog.leosoto.com
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Patents, Litigations and the Russian Mafia

Posted by Leo Soto on October 22nd, 2012.

I just found this very interesting statement buried at the end of a somewhat unrelated article by Paul Graham:

“I once explained this to some founders who had

On Culture

Posted by Leo Soto on December 3rd, 2009.

I’m back again to talk about the “Continuum’s compensation package”, given some feedback I’ve received.

True, most of points outlined there are much easier when the “whole company” consists of ~10 people. But that…

How I’ve used the Continuum’s compensation package

Posted by Leo Soto on December 2nd, 2009.

Yesterday I posted about what I called the Continuum’s compensation package. It sounds cool, and it is cool. That said, I think that the only way to make it real is to use

Slides and demos from the Jython talk at JRSL

Posted by Leo Soto on October 12th, 2009.

I just sat down and uploaded the material used for my recent presentation at the JRSL 2009. You can take a look at the slides here: Jython: Python para la plataforma Java (JRSL 09)

How to Demotivate Me at Work

Posted by Leo Soto on March 8th, 2008.

This a condensed list of things I hate, collected from the past five years of work for multiple software companies. In no special order:

  • Always assign me to projects where I am the only…