The Culture that Stretches Women’s Necks — to Make Them "Beautiful"

The neck ring custom proves that things aren’t always how they appear

Belinda Mallasasime
Lessons from History


Asian and African women in their neck rings (Photo source: Wikipedia — edited by author)

Cultures around the world have their respective beauty standards — whether it’s wearing large lip plates or having an elongated skull, the people of these cultures consider their beauty standards as an important aspect of their culture and tradition.

One of such is the Neck ring which is used to achieve an appearance of an elongated neck. The custom which has been around since the 11th century and practiced by some people in Africa and Asia has been one that has managed to remain relevant in these places regardless of modernization.

The Neck Ring Culture

The neck ring custom is found amongst some peoples in Africa (Ndebele) and Asia (Kayan Lahwi people). For many years the Ndebele and Kayan Lahwi people have been known for having a seemingly elongated neck from wearing neck rings. This unusual choice of fashion is because these people believe that having an extremely long neck is not only attractive but dignifying as well.

The neck rings, which are made of gold alloys and brass coils, have an opening on the sides to enable the rings to be attached to the neck. These rings are usually worn by women in…



Belinda Mallasasime
Lessons from History

Psychologist/ Top Writer, Lover of GOD and People. I write mostly on History, Travel, Leadership, and Culture. My religion is Love.