Letter to a Maid in Heaven About Local SEO…

L. Woods
Letters and Stories…
7 min readDec 9, 2023


Image from Yelp.

When I woke up this morning, I wasn’t planning to pitch any of my SEO services in Charlotte. But, I couldn’t go back to sleep, and I ran into a company (with sleep in my eyes) while browsing Facebook that was so adjacent to what I used to do that I couldn’t help but write the letter below to the owners of Maid in Heaven Cleaning Services.

I can always tell a hard-working company when I see one. And, although it was about 2:40-something a.m., all I could think about was all those dirty condos that were trashed by tourists that I used to clean (sometimes all by myself) in Myrtle Beach in the late 2000’s and early 2010’s.

As I reminisced, I just knew how much my one-man marketing company in Mecklenburg County, Trade Storytelling, could help this North Carolina cleaning business to the top of searches online. So, I just started spontaneously typing the letter below into Facebook Messenger, then sent it with a prayer, hoping that they wouldn’t ignore it…

Dear Owners of Maid in Heaven Cleaning Services,

I want to write for your business, and provide it with the Charlotte SEO services it needs. But, it has to be interview articles and stories with the real business owner of Maid in Heaven Cleaning Services, and you have to be willing to let me interview your previous satisfied clients and customers for unique stories that are aimed at local and national trade journals, not just Google rankings.

The nonfiction stories won’t just be written with keywords to get you to the top of Google. The stories I do for your company will ultimately be pitched by me to trade journals that have to do with hospitality.

I’m a one-man company, and I choose who I write for. I was researching the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) companies in Charlotte, being that I’m an Independent Business Editor who now lives here (right off Albemarle Road), and I see that you used to do business with a company called (name omitted for privacy).

Feel free to contact Mr. Limus Woods, the owner of Trade Storytelling, A Creative Nonfiction Copywriting Service, at limusw@gmail.com.

I have nothing to do with them, and I have nothing against them. But, I have gotten three businesses to the top of Google on my own this year with nobody’s help, and the reason that the stories got to the top of Google is because I do it differently; I actually interview the business owner over and over and over again for article and story after story after story, and the stories are always fun-to-read, informational, and entertaining.

I do it the same way a journalist would for a newspaper, because I’ve written for numerous newspapers and magazines over the years in addition to copywriting agencies. I actually use the keywords to get you to the top of Google, but I don’t sacrifice good writing in order to do so.

Google respects real people, and I’m guessing that that company you used to do business with, — — — -, never interviewed you or your customers for articles that could actually get put into the newspaper, magazines, trade journals, and places like that.

My stories do both. They get you to the top of Google AND they are submittable to publications like those. THIS is exactly why I can’t get hired at SEO agencies like that, because they don’t let me talk to the client and interview them for real articles and stories.

I’m more involved with the business owner personally, and I only focus on one business at a time because you and I both will be pitching these articles and stories to trade journals that have to do with hospitality and the cleaning trade. And, every 12 SEO Creative Nonfiction Stories (that’s what I call them) we do, I will be turning into a pamphlet for your business that you can hand out to customers.

Think of it as a magazine for your company that you can physically give to people that they will actually enjoy reading. I know it seems like a lot for a cleaning company. But the reason I’m targeting you to give my Charlotte online marketing services to is because I know that you need what I do, and I just want to take one hard-working company to the top at a time.

When I look at your company, Maid in Heaven Cleaning Services, I know that this is one that I can do just that with, if you let me.

* * *

I used to work in hospitality in Myrtle Beach, Boston, and many other places, for over 15 years. So, that’s why I’m choosing to target your company, because I used to fully clean condos myself.

Image from Facebook.

If you let me do this for you, I guarantee you that the 8,000 words that my SEO company in Charlotte will provide every month WILL have you on the first page of Google by the springtime, just in time for the summer.

That will be 8,000 words of originally-written seo stories that include real interviews, using the keywords “cleaning services in Charlotte” and other similar ones within them. Actually, in Charlotte, you’re going to need 12,000 words every month, because it’s a bigger area.

What I’m trying to do is put you to the very top of the searches for “cleaning services in Charlotte” but with real-life interview articles with you and your customers, stories that can also be sent to newspapers, journals and everything. You yourself are the expert, the business owner, so I can’t pitch them to those trade journals without your help. And, real story interviews (with you and your customers) are what Google respects, and are what the editors at those trade journals want.

Please tell me that you understand what I’m trying to say, what I’m doing, what I’m trying to do with you and your company, and why I’m doing it.

It’s still sometimes called copywriting because I’m giving seo services by using keyword terms. But, there is no other copywriting service like mine, Trade Storytelling, that actually interviews the business owner and their customers for real, journalistic stories that use keywords, and I found out this year that Google loves that.

It hasn’t taken me any more than 24 to 36 articles to get a person (entrepreneur) to the top of Google in their region for their trade. I did it with my Charlotte digital marketing company, three times this year, once for a shipping and mailing company in Lake City, South Carolina, another time for a video company in South Carolina, and more recently with a business appraiser in Ohio.

Feel free to contact Mr. Limus Woods, the owner of Trade Storytelling, A Creative Nonfiction Copywriting Service, at limusw@gmail.com.

I have the pictures of the screenshots of them rising on Google, and, whenever you call me, I’ll show them to you.

In the meantime, go to LinkedIn, and type in the hashtag #tradestorytelling in the search box on LinkedIn. It is an original hashtag that I created for my local Mecklenburg County SEO company so that the people who I have previously written for will always be marketed organically by me as I share their content. I just went into business myself this past June after working in copywriting agencies for years.

Please consider my offer. This will only cost you $37.50 per story, and you are going to need 12 stories every month for the first few months. When you get to the top of Google searches in Charlotte, we can drop to 8.

You have to understand that nobody else in the Charlotte area in the cleaning business is doing this, and we are going to catch everyone completely off guard, if you’ll have me. We will be coming out of nowhere. But, that’s exactly what I want to do.

This article that I wrote explains my business so easily that a child can understand. I hope that you hear me, and don’t ignore this letter. Please, respond as soon as possible, so that I know that you are at least thinking about it.

Image from Facebook.

I only write for one type of business in the area at a time. I will not be writing for any other cleaning services in North Carolina other than Maid in Heaven Cleaning Services if I start writing for you. I target one specific business at a time.

I’m simply an Independent Business Editor, I saw you, I knew what I could do for you, and I just decided to pitch my business to you.

Feel free to contact Mr. Limus Woods, the owner of Trade Storytelling, A Creative Nonfiction Copywriting Service, at limusw@gmail.com.

You will not regret letting me be your primary company for SEO services in Charlotte, if you do decide to. I’ll be intently looking for your call, text or email over the weekend.

Thanks for your time, and I truly hope to hear from you.

Peace & Love,

Mr. Limus Woods

Independent Business Editor


(843) 246–5387

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/limus.words

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/l-woods-abaa8a3a/

Medium Profile: https://medium.com/@limuswoods

Business: https://medium.com/trade-storytelling

