Finding The Ideal Boyfriend

Are you looking for perfection or happiness?

Keay Nigel
LGTB around the world


Perhaps it isn’t about finding the ideal boyfriend or that perfect guy.

Well, perhaps it is.

No matter, it is the definite and most important thing to find someone who really cares for you. Someone who would dig out his heart and place it in your hands for safekeeping, if only he could.

Because he trusts you.


And this trust is not of blind love, but of the innocence of a child — pure, proactive and beautifully simple.

Find a guy who loves you for you, with or without make-up, with or without a lean body, with or without beautiful hair.

Find a guy who not only looks at you with desire, but also looks through you, and sees your soul, and admires it. Who thinks to himself, how lucky I am to be with this person, how lucky I am to have found.

Find someone who sees your flaws and thinks of them as your strengths, as what that make you unique, special, and different.

Find a guy who believes in you even before you believed in yourself — he who believes in your dreams before you even found them.

Date a good guy, even if he’s not perfect.

Date someone who makes you happy, who helps you be better.

You will learn that at the end of the day, perfection isn’t the most important — happiness is.



Keay Nigel
LGTB around the world

Keay Nigel is also on Huffpost, BuzzFeed, EliteDaily & Thought Catalog // IG: @keaynigel