December Monthly Review

Yunzhe Zhou
Life Projects
Published in
3 min readDec 30, 2019

“I am abundant. I am brilliant. I am enough.”

Notes: I know I skipped a month — November seriously went by in a blur. I want to stay in the present so this reflection is for December and a look back on 2019!


Highlights from the past month

  1. What was your biggest accomplishment this month?

Biggest accomplishment this month is feeling enough! Currently I feel SO abundant and at ease. It feels like everything is right where it should be and I feel this strong trust in the universe. My dreams will inevitably come true and the universe has my back.

2. What was your peak experience this month?

It was when I was in a coaching session with my life coach and we were talking about brilliance and me realizing that I have the (academic) genius within me — I had it all along, I just resisted for so long against it because it was something that I felt was impossible.

3. What main challenge did you face this month?

I told my parents that I’ll be working from Asia next year! It was very scary and thanks to my partner and my coaches, I was able to let them know from a place of “I am enough no matter what you say” and confidently tell them that I’m going to be digital nomading :)

4. What do you want to do less of and more of to balance your life?

My life feels very balanced right now! I’d love more meditation & spirituality, and less turning to reading the news as a distraction (if you’re reading this, my love, I hope you’re chuckling at this 😉)

5. What is your favorite discovery this month?

That I’ve let go of suffering and that my inner wellbeing is GREAT! I’m also really happy that I’m not anxiously fretting over being apart from my partner right now — and that we have a healthy and abundant relationship ❤


things that have captured my interest

Books I read:

Productivity experiments:

  • Focusing on what I want to do in the moment and then following that — I’ve found that I end up getting what I need to get done anyways with so much more joy and ease!

Questions I’m pondering

NOVEMBER HABIT PROJECT: Again, I don’t quite remember 😂 so will have to skip this one for now. Isn’t it wild November was just last month and because I didn’t record it — I can’t even remember what I did?!. Oh but I did start an Instagram for this month, you can check it out for the ARTS podcast here.


Intentions and goals for the upcoming month

The most important business priority is: Focus on creating 3 new clients for January 2020

The most important personal priority is: Being present with my family before I head off to Asia!

My January project is: Start and finish a weekly cycling routine. We’re planning to not only work from Taiwan but also bike along the island so I need to prep for that! And work some muscles so I’m not huffing and puffing 💪🏼

This is the end of my monthly review for December, thanks so much for reading! And wishing you an incredible New Year ✨ ✨



Yunzhe Zhou
Life Projects

Designing life through monthly action plans. For how you you can get started on a side project, get the toolkit here: