September Monthly Review

Yunzhe Zhou
Life Projects
Published in
2 min readOct 7, 2019

Everything is exactly where it needs to be

Notes: This is the first month when I looked at my day and said: “wow, I’m living my ideal life.” My current reality is my ideal day.

And there’s no more striving or feeling like I’m not enough — just being.


Highlights from the past month

  1. What was your biggest accomplishment this month?

Getting one of my first long term high ticket clients!

2. What was your peak experience this month?

Starting something I really like and one that feels exciting — a podcast for Asian American career changers.

3. What main challenge did you face this month?

  • closing a client
  • getting sick and not knowing where I would be
  • coming from a mindset of abundance and enoughness

4. What do you want to do less of and more of to balance your life?

I want to do less of entertainment to pass time and more of intentional self-care activities

5. What is your favorite discovery this month?

Astrology actually! I’ve felt a stereotype distaste for it, always brushing it off, but now I’m learning more about it and really like the idea of past lives, and a closer connection to the universe than I originally thought.


things that have captured my interest

Books I read:

Productivity experiments:

  • Time blocking chunks (i.e. writing, client calls, personal time) and allowing the space to be there to do to what I feel drawn to

Quotes on careers:

  • “To do marketing, you need to understand your audience. To build a great career, you need to understand yourself”.

Questions I’m pondering:

  • How do I continue to grow spiritually?


  • I actually did this for about 5 days and found it difficult to follow through because there were so many aspects (no excuses, judgements and criticisms)
  • However, September still ended up being such a blissful month — I’ve experienced my ideal day and there’s so much abundance in terms of partnerships and clients and projects :)


Intentions and goals for the upcoming month

The most important business priority is:

Working with aligned clients + book out the rest of 2019

The most important personal priority is:

Take time for myself (Zumba, meditation, painting, NLP, etc.)

My October project is: Launch my podcast!

This is a bit different — launch it. Won’t work on it everyday but will have weekly deliverables to finish.

This is the end of my monthly review for September, thanks so much for reading!



Yunzhe Zhou
Life Projects

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