Top Stories published by Lightspeed India in 2013

The Inventory vs. Marketplace Model Debate

[Also published on VCCircle]

There has recently been increased discussion, and mainstream press reporting, on the adoption of a ‘marketplace’ model (vs. an inventory model) by e-commerce companies (e.g. these two articles in Mint…

Great Mobile User Experiences, Made in India

[Also published on Nextwala]

The approach to mobile design and information architecture here in India has been haphazard at best and atrocious at worst. Perhaps this is caused by consumers just being happy getting economic…

Video: Meena Ganesh of TutorVista at event on Women in Computing

Meena Ganesh, founder of Lightspeed-backed TutorVista spoke at the 2012 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing India. Here’s the video!
