Reinventing the Like beta 4 Campaign — Readers Get Bonus by their Likes too

The LikeCoin foundation will start a 19-day “Reinventing the Like beta 4” campaign from Oct 22, releasing 60,000 LIKE everyday to reward content creators. The readers who Like the creative works will also get LikeCoin bonus as well.

LikeCoin — Decentralize Publishing
4 min readOct 20, 2018


Just this time, Readers Get Bonus by Liking

The support from readers is definitely the most important ground for content creators to move on. To encourage readers’ participation, the foundation will release extra 120,000 LIKE to the readres with LikeCoin ID registered who give Likes to the creative works during this campaign. 40,000 LIKE bonus will be distributed to the readers on every Friday (i.e.,10/26, 11/2, 11/9) during the campaign period.

It is an opportunity that comes once in a blue moon. Don’t miss it.

Release 60,000 LIKE for content creators everyday, and 180,000 LIKE on the 1st day

The campaign “Reinventing the Like beta 4” will start from Oct 22. We will release 180,000 LIKE to the creators on the first day, and then 60,000 LIKE everyday in the next consecutive 18 days.

Only Likes from the readers with LikeCoin ID count

All readers can still give Likes to all creative works in this campaign, but only those Likes given by the readers with LikeCoin ID can be converted to LikeCoin reward. Dear all LikeCoin creators, please call out your readers for LikeCoin ID registration. Let’s join the community.

A grey LikeButton will be shown for non-registered readers. Register now, get the bonus and join the community.

Campaign Enrollment

Same as the previous campaign, enrollment is easy:

  • Writers can start adding the new LikeButton to their articles on Medium or WordPress now. Click here to learn how to install the LikeButton.
  • Publish and promote the articles in any communities and channels to attract Likes; then you are eligible for mining LIKE in this campaign.
LikeButton — Readers click Like, Creators mine LIKE

LIKE Distribution

  • The LIKE distribution will start on Oct 22. Total Likes count from Oct 13–21 for all participants will be counted, and then 180,000 LIKE will be distributed according to the Like count of each article.
  • From Oct 23 for consecutive 18 days, 60,000 LIKE will be distributed every day according to the Like count of each article and the total Like count in the previous day.
  • Only Likes given by the readers with LikeCoin ID will be counted for creators’ LikeCoin reward.
  • There is no limit on the number of articles by each writer to participate the campaign each day. Let’s post more articles to get more Like!
  • Article of the Day, which get the most LIKE in the previous day, will be given 200 LIKE bonus reward. The article will also be promoted in LikeCoin social channels.
  • Besides the rewarding the creators, extra 40,000 LIKE each day will be distributed to the readers who has given Likes to the creative works and have LikeCoin ID registered during the campaign, on 10/26, 11/2 and 11/9.
  • LikeCoin Foundation reserves all rights to interpret the terms of this campaign. If someone is found to abuse the system, the foundation may disqualify the user.

Tips for Earning More LIKE

The amount of LIKE mined is proportional to the number of Likes you can get from the readers who with LikeCoin ID registered. The promotion and exposure of your article is hence very important. You cannot earn any LIKE without exposure even with the best content.

Tips for earning more LIKE:

  • Personalised LikeButton Thumbnail Your brand is important. Let’s upload your picture and customised your display name on immediately so that your portrait can show up in the LikeButton.
  • Proper Featured Graphics Choose an attractive banner for your article can surely help the click rate especially when sharing on social media.
  • Call Out Feel free to call out your readers to register and give you Likes
  • Enhanced Search Adding the tag Proof of Creativity in your Medium articles to help the community discover your works.
  • Cross Promotion Bind your contacts such as Facebook page to your LikeCoin ID at so that your fans can more likely be notified by your news.
  • Keep on Sharing Share your works in whatever channels that you can think of. LikeCoin’s telegram group is a good choice of course.
Related links: Campaign beta3 wrap up| WordPress Plugin to turn Likes into income | 中文版
About LikeCoin
LikeCoin ( ) is a movement to reinvent the Like and rewards content creators. LikeButton is placed under creative contents, and generates rewards for the creators when clicked.

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