Archive of stories published by LILY Lab

Investigating ELMo for Semantic Parsing

For those who haven’t heard it yet, NLP’s ImageNet moment has arrived; approaches such as ULMFiT, ELMo, OpenAI GPT, and BERT have gained significant traction in the community in the last year for many language understanding tasks. In his blog, our lab member…

A very successful research year for LILY

The LILY (Language, Information, and Learning at Yale) Lab so far this year has published eight papers on Natural Language Processing (NLP) at three top-tier conferences: AAAI (The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence), NAACL (North…

LectureBank: a dataset for NLP Education and Prerequisite Chain Learning

Check out our latest blog about our AAAI-19 paper

What Should I Learn First: Introducing LectureBank for NLP Education and Prerequisite Chain…

These were the top 10 stories published by LILY Lab; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2018, 2019, and 2021.