How to Reduce and Manage Restaurant Waste

This Blog was first published on LimeTray’s Restaurant Management & Marketing Blog.

Millions of people go to bed hungry every day and still restaurants around the country waste tonnes of food every year.

Helping Burger Singh Run Better

This Blog was first published on LimeTray’s Restaurant Management & Marketing Blog.

In conversation with Kabir Jeet Singh, founder of Burger Singh. He tells his story about the conception of the brand & how they are leveraging technology to grow…

Tips to Increase Repeat Customers for your Restaurant

This Blog was first published on Limetray’s Restaurant Management & Marketing Blog.

Regular customers significantly contribute to a restaurant’s revenue and while every restaurant businessman strives to attract…

Build Social Media Presence for Your Restaurant

This Blog was first published on Limetray’s Restaurant Management & Marketing Blog.

To boost your restaurant business and increase awareness about your brand, social media is a prerequisite. It acts as a space for…

LimeTray's Restaurant Management & Marketing Blog.
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