Blockchain-based microgrid gives power to consumers in New York — Aviva Rutkin,

Something odd is happening on President Street in Brooklyn. While solar panels on the roofs of terraced houses soak up sun, a pair of computers connected to the panels quietly crunch numbers. First, they count how many…

Spread Your DNA Across The Globe —

Genecoin samples your DNA, turns it into data, and stores it in the world’s most powerful supercomputer: the Bitcoin network.
Humans currently preserve their genes by passing them down across generations. This is an incredible, but utimately unreliable… Announces Historic Blockchain Public Offering— GlobeNewswire,, Inc. (NASDAQ:OSTK) today announced at the 41st Annual International Futures Industry Conference its plan to complete the world’s first public offering using proprietary blockchain technology. The offering will allow…

A Bitcoin-Style Currency for Central Banks — Tom Simonite

[R]esearchers have invented a Bitcoin-like system that could make digital cash more practical by allowing a central bank such as the Federal Reserve to control it.
The system, RSCoin, was…

Ethereum Blockchain Project Launches First Production Release — Jacob Donnelly,

Next-generation blockchain platform Ethereum has released ‘Homestead’ the first production release of its software, which was implemented at block 1,150,000 today.
The introduction follows Frontier…

IBM has just open-sourced 44,000 lines of blockchain code on GitHub — Kirsty Styles

IBM is part of the Linux-based Hyperledger project, where the code will sit, whose founding members represent just about everyone who stands to lose if the whole world agrees to change the way it does interactions.

The Bitcoin Believer Who Gave Up — Nathaniel Popper,

Mike Hearn quits Bitcoin, and the NYT takes a look back at the rancorous block-size showdown.

Bitcoin XT Proposal Stalls, But Scalability Debate Continues— CoinDesk

When asked what the lack of consensus on the XT release means for bitcoin, Mike Hearn, who now has minimal involvement with XT, told CoinDesk in an email that he still believes capacity to be a problem on the bitcoin network. “Bitcoin has a strong status quo — XT has shown just how difficult it is to overcome.”

16 Blockchain Technology Predictions of 2016 — Andrew Keys, ConsenSys

Many who used the terms “blockchain” or “distributed ledger”, may learn they actually meant Ethereum. …
Scalability will take prominence as the holy grail of public blockchain technology. Ethereum will establish itself as the…

Start-Up With Bitcoin in Its DNA Stumbles on Fund-Raising Trail— Nathaniel Popper,

“The deal would need to improve materially for us to get involved,” said one executive at a financial firm, who has been looking at putting money into Ms. Masters’s company, speaking on the condition of anonymity because negotiations were continuing. “It’s not supercompelling.”

On the dangers of a blockchain monoculture— Tony Arcieri

A skeptical look at the hype around blockchains from a self-described crypto “dabbler” who works on the platform security team at Square and who has some very interesting things to say here, and in the related “Death of Bitcoin.”

Nasdaq Linq Enables First-Ever Private Securities Issuance Documented With Blockchain Technology

NEW YORK, Dec. 30, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nasdaq (Nasdaq:NDAQ) today announced that an issuer was able to use its Nasdaq Linq blockchain ledger technology to successfully complete and record a private securities…

The Stories That Shaped the Blockchain Narrative in 2015 Amy Davine Kim,

General overview of major blockchain events by a lawyer who specializes in U.S. financial regulation.

The SEC Will Allow Stocks to Be Issued And Traded Over the Internet Via Bitcoin’s Blockchain —Cade Metz,

Public documents filed by Overstock show that the SEC has approved an amended Form S-3 that would allow the company to issue public securities via blockchain-based technology, and Byrne plans to announce…

New Clues Suggest Craig Wright, Suspected Bitcoin Creator, May Be a Hoaxer — Andy Greenberg,

WHEN WIRED NAMED Craig Wright Tuesday as the most likely suspect to be Satoshi Nakamoto, the mysterious creator of bitcoin, we laid out two possibilities that outweighed any others: “Either Wright invented bitcoin, or…

For the Curious But Uncommitted, a Blockchain in a Box —Penny Crosman,

Those experimenting with blockchain ideas face two challenges: the scarcity of talented developers with blockchain experience who want to work at a bank, and the cost of buying a new software program and teaching people how to use…

Bitcoin’s Creator Satoshi Nakamoto is Probably This Unknown Australian Genius —Andy Greenberg and Gwern Branwen,

In the last weeks, WIRED has obtained the strongest evidence yet of Satoshi Nakamoto’s true identity. The signs point to Craig Steven Wright, a man who never even made it onto any Nakamoto hunters’…

First Blockchain Company Goes Public on Toronto Stock Exchange — Joseph Young,

Canadian blockchain technology startup Blockchain Tech Ltd (BTL) has been successfully listed on the VentureBoard of the Toronto Stock Exchange, with the tracker BTL (TSXV:BTL). …
“Today represents an

Video: Proof-Of-Concept of the World’s First Bio-Payment Using Bitcoin —Samburaj Das,

A proof-of-concept video (below) shows Patric Lanhed and his acquaintance Juanjo Tara — a firmware engineer at Arduino, demonstrate a successful bitcoin payment from one digital wallet to another. The transaction…

First Blockchain-Powered Government to Launch in Odessa, Ukraine — Nina Lyon,

Bitcoin Foundation Ukraine and KUNA Bitcoin Agency are expected to announce a Ukrainian blockchain project to set up an E-Governance system in Odessa, Ukraine.
The corresponding memorandum was already…

Three banks join R3 blockchain consortium taking total to 25 — Jemima Kelly,

Oct 28 Japan’s Mizuho Bank, Italy’s UniCredit and Stockholm-based Nordea have joined a global consortium of banks led by financial tech firm R3 that is working on a framework for using blockchain technology in markets, the firm said… — pymnts,

NASDAQ unveiled Tuesday (Oct. 27) its roster of private company clients that will use Linq, its blockchain-enabled platform.
Among the first participants, according to a press release:; ChangeTip, which allows monetary tips to be exchanged through social…

Ethereum spin-off ConsenSys announces Microsoft partnership to deliver blockchain-as-a-service — Ian Allison,

ConsenSys, the collective of Ethereum coders based in New York, has partnered with Microsoft to deliver blockchain as an enterprise solution, via the IT giant’s Azure cloud platform.

Private ‘Distributed Ledgers’ Miss the Point of a Blockchain — Chris DeRose,

A critical take on banks’ interest in developing a “middle way” for blockchain tech, using distributed ledgers that replace Bitcoin’s mining process with trust requirements. This seems spot on.