The Shovan Chronicles — Part 5

The Coming of the Black Redeemer

Moshe Forman
Lit Up


Copyright: Moshe Forman

Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

Quench stared at Kirnow. “How could you have expected us? You didn’t know we exist?”

“It was written that one day messengers would come from afar, and reveal the secrets of our scriptures. You are the ones.”

“Our ship was plundered. We’re here by chance,” said Quench.

“You speak the lost language, thus shall you redeem the truth. And you are black.”


“You are the Black Redeemer.”

“The black what?”

“For generations we have enacted the role of Black Redeemer during the game of Catchturn, awaiting your arrival. You will play the game; the results will be a revelation.”

A female creature stepped into the opening. She had the broad shoulders typical of the Reton, but was taller, with long fair hair and large green eyes. She smiled at Wendy and Quench.

Wendy tilted her head in surprise. “You look like the prisoner in the tower.”

The creature answered in a soft voice. “They say that Yemin, the King’s concubine, and I, have a resemblance. What was this prisoner wearing?”



Moshe Forman
Lit Up

When I’m not a poet or novelist, I'm exploring Self, Food, Society and History. And when I'm not doing that, I'm a technical writer.