CDISC: Data trends of 2018

David R. Bobbitt, the president and CEO of CDISC recently published this piece in Outsourcing Pharma on the data trends of 2018. As more sources, methods for analysis, and applications emerge, there are several key themes the industry needs to be thinking about to take advantage of…

Dr. Sam Volchenboum Speaks at Evolution Summit

Our co-founder and Chief Medical Officer Sam Volchenboum recently presented at the Evolution Summit, an annual forum bringing together the industry’s leading drug development executives and solution providers to talk about what’s new and next in…

The Litmus Papers
The Litmus Papers
The Litmus Papers explore quality of life in health and medicine. This is a conversation about how lifestyle, diet, activity and environment affect patient outcomes. The answers we need to develop breakthrough therapies are all around us.
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