All Stories published by Live Life Unwritten on January 27, 2016

Guys Share What They Really Think When You Wear Leggings

Leggings started out as a way to wear skirts and dresses in the colder months (and a way to wear them to schools with ridiculous dress codes.) But for the past few years, it has become fashionably acceptable for them to double as…

When Addiction Wins: The Reality Of Losing Someone You Love To Drugs

How things have changed is the hardest to notice. When a person is with you regularly you don’t see them sneaking off all of a sudden. It comes in stages. They go to the bathroom, they step out for a smoke, they…

7 Drinks, 7 Workouts: What A Night Out Really Costs You

The last thing you want to think about when you go out drinking is the cost of alcohol, and just how many calories you’re drinking. When you wake up the next day, the last thing you want to do is workout or eat healthy. The hungover…

Why It’s Time To Put Down Your Phone And Pick Up A Pen

I knew how to text by the time I was 10 years old. Sure, it was one of those phones where you had to hit the number 2 three times if you wanted the letter ‘c,’ but it was texting, and preteen Emily loved it. Then came my first smart…

Live Life Unwritten
Unwritten is a website for millennials written and run by millennials. It is because of this that we are an extremely relatable publication for our generation.
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