Top Stories published by LiveRamp Engineering in 2010

Memory-efficient sparse bitsets

A bitset is a data structure designed to store a vector of boolean values very compactly — one bit per value. In practice, they’re a really handy way to save memory. However, we had a situation in one of our extremely memory-intensive applications where a simple bitset…

Striving for zero copies with Thrift 0.5

“Zero copies” is a common optimization principle used in high-performance applications. The gist of the technique is to have the smallest number of byte array copies necessary for the server to perform its task. Byte array copies are one of those insidious…

Analyzing some interesting networks for Map/Reduce clusters

In a previous post, I described how LiveRamp had built a conceptual model for determining the average aggregate peak throughput (which we’ll call T) that a given network architecture could support. This post applies that model…

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