A New Year and New Possibilities

Happy 2024!

Angela M Ward
Living & Learning


2 min readJan 28, 2024


Photo by Theo Eilertsen Photography on Unsplash

I think the above photo mirrors the feeling of the new year. A fresh start, a path blanketed by pristine snow with the rosy glow of the horizon beckoning. The view might be obscured by challenges that seem as giant as the towering trees, but there’s an internal compass guiding us and we realize just how powerful we are as we reach that summit.

This month covers the topic of habits, New Year’s resolutions and quitting. As the years have gone by, I’ve taken a much kinder approach to myself when it comes to setting and reaching goals — and strategically quitting things (when the time is right, of course).

I’ve also decided that I should reflect on the books I’ve read from the year before. It’s always good to look back at where you’ve come, so that you can pause in the present and take those lessons with you into the future. My birthday is also in January, so it’s naturally a time of reflection for me as I turn another year older.

At the moment, I’m reading The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg. It’s been enlightening. So far, I’ve learned about the habit loop (cue-routine-reward) and how everyone from advertisers to football coaches to Alcoholics Anonymous have used it to change people’s habits for the better. It’s definitely helped me reflect on a bad habit of excessive daydreaming, which I want to change. By helping me look at the cues that trigger it and the rewards I get from engaging in that habit, I’m slowly changing it for the better.

I’m sharing this past month’s articles to hopefully give you some inspiration, ideas and insights.

I hope that your new year is off to a great start and that this year is a good one for all. Cheers to a new year ahead! 🥂🎆🎉



Angela M Ward
Living & Learning

Communications and digital marketing professional, interested in creativity, personal development and mindful living. Top Writer in Reading.