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The End: Weeks 50–52 Reading Schedule

For the few (the proud?) Calvin readers still working through Institutes, this schedule says the readings for weeks 47–49 will be:

Day 1: sections 4.20.2–7 (pages 2.1487–1493 in the Battles edition)
Day 2: 4.20.8–11 (2.1493–1500)
Day 3…

Weeks 47–49 Reading Schedule

For those Calvin readers still working through Institutes, this schedule says the readings for weeks 47–49 will be:

Day 1: sections 4.17.33–34 (pages 2.1405–1411 in the Battles edition)
Day 2: 4.17.35–39 (2.1411–1417)
Day 3: 4.17.40–45 (2.1417–1424)

Weeks 43–46 Reading Schedule

For those Calvin readers still working through Institutes, this schedule says the readings for weeks 43–46 will be:

Day 1: sections 4.14.4–9 (pages 2.1279–1285 in the Battles edition)
Day 2: 4.14.10–15 (2.1285–1291)
Day 3: 4.14.16–20 (2.1291–1297)

Weeks 40–42 Reading Schedule

For those Calvin readers still working through Institutes, this schedule says the readings for weeks 40–42 will be:

Day 1: sections 4.10.3–8 (pages 2.1181–1187 in the Battles edition)
Day 2: 4.10.9–15 (2.1187–1194)
Day 3: 4.10.16–21 (2.1194–1200)
Day 4…

Weeks 38–39 Reading Schedule

If any Calvin readers are still on target, this schedule says the readings for weeks 38–39 will be:

Day 1: sections 4.6.17–7.4 (pages 2.1117–1123 in the Battles edition)
Day 2: 4.7.5–10 (2.1123–1129)
Day 3: 4.7.11–17 (2.1129–1136)
Day 4: 4.7.18–22…

Weeks 36–37 Reading Schedule

Hey there, Calvin readers! If you’re still tracking with us, this schedule says the readings for weeks 36–37 will be:

Day 1: sections 4.3.8–15 (pages 2.1060–1066 in the Battles edition)
Day 2: 4.3.16–4.4 (2.1066–1072)
Day 3: 4.4.5–10 (2.1072–1079)

Weeks 34–35 Reading Schedule

Hey there, Calvin readers! If you’re still tracking with us, this schedule says the readings for weeks 34–35 will be:

Day 1: sections 3.25.7–8 (pages 2.998–1003 in the Battles edition)
Day 2: 3.25.9–12 (2.1003–1008)
Day 3: 4.1.1–4 (2.1011–1016)
Day 4…

Weeks 25–26 Reading Schedule

Hello, fellow Institutes readers! We’re following this schedule as we read in 2017, which means the readings for the 25th & 26th weeks will be:

Day 1: sections 3.11.5–8 (pages 1.729–735 in the Battles edition)
Day 2: 3.11.9–11 (1.735–741)
Day 3…