Archive of stories published by Lochness Writes

A Sneak Peek of Default Methods in Java 8

So far I have discussed some of the “code changers” brought about by Java 8 such as lambda-expressions, variable scope changes, and method references. Today I will be explaining another cool feature in Java 8 called default methods.

Getting Started with WSO2 Caramel Framework

During my internship at WSO2, I came across WSO2’s Jaggery framework. This open-source framework enables Developers to write all aspects of their web application; the front-end UI, the back-end logic and even the communication and persistence mechanisms…

Exception Handling in Functional Interfaces

In a previous post, I have described what a functional interface is. In the same post, I explained that lambda-expressions can be used at any place a functional interface is used and gave an example for doing so.

Java 8 Streams in a Nutshell

If you have done programming with java, I’m sure by now you must have realized the importance of the java collections framework (JCF). A collection is a data structure which contains and processes a set of data. Examples of collections data structures are lists, sets, queues…

Method References in Java 8

In the previous post, I discussed what lambda-expressions are. In this post, I will explain the concept of method references brought about in Java 8.

Sometimes there is already a method that you’d like to pass on to some other code. Of course, you could…

These were the top 10 stories published by Lochness Writes; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2015, 2016.