Game Developers: Develop Blockchain Games without Knowing Blockchain Programming — with the Loom Unity SDK

Matthew Campbell
Loom Network
Published in
4 min readMay 12, 2018
Loom Network has built a Unity SDK that will allow any game developer to build Blockchain Games without knowing Blockchain Programming.

If you aren’t aware, Unity is the MOST POPULAR game developer platform in the world — especially for mobile games.

With our upcoming SDK Launch in June, we are officially announcing support for client-side access in Unity, and if you are an existing developer in our beta program — you already have access to it now.

So, check this out…

Unity is popular because it is:

1) Easy enough for most people to learn.
2) Powerful enough to make most kinds of games.
3) Able to run well enough on most hardware.

…and since there’s a HUGE existing community of Unity Developers — we have built and released a Unity SDK that will allow any game developer to (easily) integrate with a DAppChain backend without having to be a Blockchain Developer.

In plain English, the Loom Unity SDK will make it stupid simple for ANY game developer to quickly code games on the Blockchain.

When game recognizes game

This means that any developer will be able to build games that run on iOS, Android OR the Web while using our DAppChain backends.

Here’s the deal…

Since Blockchain Games are about to blow up, this gives talented game developers a MASSIVE advantage without the additional headache of having to learn another language.


What Can the Loom Unity SDK Do?

The Loom Unity SDK is capable of a LOT of neat things.

We are not revealing everything today, but let’s go over some key features that will be central to the SDK.

For instance, the Loom Unity SDK allows…

1. The Game Logic to be Stored on DAppChains

Users won’t have to worry about trust (of game logic or transfers) because the full game will run on it’s own DAppChain (which is also forkable). The Unity SDK will allow you to read and write transactions directly from the DAppChain.

2. Customizable Management of Users’ Private Keys

We allow pluggable keystores. By default, Loom has an oauth backend private store — which doesn’t require the end user to be a “crypto nerd” to play the game. Alternatively, you can also leave the keys completely local or with a trusted 3rd party.

3. Transferring of Game Assets to Ethereum

We will have support for integrating into the same Transfer Gateway we use on DelegateCall to transfer ERC20 and ER721 back and forth between two chains. (not this guy).

4. Deeplinking Support into TrustWallet

We will be supporting Deeplinking into TrustWallet — which means your mobile games can move game-assets onto Ethereum mainnet without a hitch.

From a UX standpoint, Deeplinking makes mobile DApps SUPER SIMPLE to use.

5. The Ability to Manage Accounts

Both the UnitySDK and Loom SDK have built in concepts of users and logins — so, instead of worrying about authentication, you can focus on your game logic.

6. Auditing of Code (Because it’s Open Source!)

The Unity SDK is now open source on our Github — which means, if you are a Unity Developer, you can get familiar with it WAYYY BEFORE we release the SDK next month (June 2018).

So Unity Developers can start getting familiar with it now, until the SDK comes in June.

...and we are planning on letting you showcase your skillz with the upcoming Unity SDK hackathons that Loom will be organizing.

Loom SDK is almost ready (+Hackathon coming to a city near you! 🌏)

We are super excited that our SDK is almost ready for public release.

Why? Because it will be the easiest way for developers to easily build scalable Blockchain DApps (including games) without having to do a lot of heavy lifting.

Along with the SDK launch in june, we will be announcing a number of Hackathons to give an exclusive introduction to it’s capabilities for both Game and Blockchain Developers. (In Tokyo on May 26th then Beijing & Shanghai later in June)

…So, if you are a developer that enjoys drinking obscene amounts of caffeine while being knee deep in code, we want to meet you 😎

When you discover that you can make Blockchain Games without knowing Blockchain Programming

Since our SDK is the easiest way for any developer to build and deploy a scalable DApp, it would be a crime for them to not know about Loom’s SDK.

One more thing…

We are also compiling a list of all the other (incredible) services we are offering Loom Developers (like an indexing layer we built etc.) along with a few more surprises.

So, buckle up and keep your eyes peeled buttercup 😎

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Matthew Campbell
Loom Network

Cofounder build scalable blockchain games and social apps on the Loom SDK.