Loom SDK Projects: Moss Pop and Moss Store Are Bringing Augmented Reality (AR) Mobile Applications to the Blockchain

Loom Network
Published in
5 min readAug 10, 2018
Mossland — the creators a blockchain-based augmented reality (AR) game where users buy and sell virtual real estate — has announced they’re building several of their mini-services on top of the Loom SDK

Today, I am excited to announce that Mossland the creators of a blockchain-based augmented reality (AR) game where users buy and sell virtual real estate — has announced they’re building several of their mini-services on top of the Loom SDK 🎉

Namely, the following services:

  1. Moss Pop — a location-based AR mobile application where users can discover ERC20 tokens scattered around the streets, and collect them by consuming relevant advertisements.
  2. Moss Store — a marketplace for digital contents and VR/AR games in the Mossland ecosystem that can be purchased using their ERC20 token, Moss Coin.

📝 By the way — we’ll also be partnering with Mossland to co-host the first blockchain game hackathon in Korea from September 7–9. Keep an eye out for an official announcement very soon 😉

You might be wondering…

What exactly is Moss Pop? 🤔

Moss Pop is a location-based augmented reality (AR) mobile app that rewards you for watching relevant advertisements near you.

In other words — it is an early attempt at how peer-to-peer advertising can look like on the blockchain.

Think of it as hyper-targeted advertising where you get financially rewarded directly by the advertiser—for consuming relevant advertisements.

In real life, thousands of people see billboards — but, advertisers have no way of measuring their impact.

Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.

— John Wanamaker (1838–1922)

With Moss Pop, advertisers won’t be flying blind by wasting money and hoping that their advertisements are seen by consumers.

Instead of renting (expensive) physical billboards — Moss Pop allows advertisers to show highly-relevant, geographically-targeted advertisements directly to consumers, while simultaneously rewarding them.

When a consumer views a relevant advertisement (which completes an objective) on Moss Pop — they will receive airdropped Moss Coins in return.

You can now earn Moss Coin for consuming relevant advertisements near you — and they can be used at the Moss Store and in the Mossland game!

…and since advertisers ONLY pay AFTER the consumer views their advertisements — it’s a WIN/WIN situation.

Best of all? — Acquired Moss Coins can be withdrawn from Mos Pop to your personal wallet 💰

Let’s explore…

The Mechanics of Moss Pop ⚙️

While Moss Pop is a harbinger of augmented-reality based advertising on the blockchain — it also contains elements of a gamified scavenger hunt.

At the heart of Moss Pop is a consumer completing various objectives set forth by the advertiser.

…and since these objectives are delivered in augmented-reality that is overlaid ON TOP of physical locations, consumers will find it fun and exciting to discover all sorts of interesting (virtual) advertisements hidden in the ‘regular’ world around them.

That’s the gamification element.

Then comes Moss Coin — an incentive for not only consuming those advertisements, but for completing various objectives within those advertisements.

Within the Moss Pop application, users can navigate their surroundings (via real-time GPS) and locate points of interest marked by shiny Moss Coins to find advertisements or banners with built-in objectives.

Mos Pop financially rewards you for consuming relevant advertising near your location.

Since points of interest are predetermined by Moss Pop based on the advertisers ad campaign — any advertiser can submit a geo-targeted, AR-based ad campaign.

The advertiser will pay for their campaign with Moss Coin — from which a portion is divided amongst Moss Pop and the end-user who consumes the advertisements.

…with emphasis on hyperlocal advertising and equal access, Moss Pop builds the foundation on how advertising will function on the Mossland AR platform.

Why is Mossland using the Loom SDK? 🤔

You might be wondering — why is an AR platform like Mossland exploring the possibility of using the Loom SDK for its location based mini-services?

It’s a great question.

Here are some of the most obvious reasons:

  • Frictionless UX: Loom Network enables transactions at lightning speeds, and at zero cost to the end user. This is necessary for an AR app like Moss Pop, where users want to click on and interact with the AR world in real-time, without being interrupted by a popup by a mobile wallet to sign and pay a transaction on Ethereum.
  • Proof of Play: DAppChains are full-featured blockchains that use Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS), so all non-critical transactions are stored on the DAppChain without costing any Ether (i.e. cash money).

That’s just a TINY list of the benefits of running an AR-based blockchain using the Loom SDK.

Even though the list itself is short…

I’d say that’s a damn good list.

The future is already here — it’s just not very evenly distributed.

Since, blockchain games are about to take over the planet, and Loom Network is focused on making large-scale games and social apps possible on the blockchain — Mossland’s games and services are going to be fantastic additions to the Loom SDK stable.

If you’ve been out of the loop…

This is the fourth of a series of posts in which I’ve been highlighting some of the projects that will be using the Loom SDK.

Essentially, this series gives you a sneak peek into some of the earliest projects that will be using the groundbreaking blockchain tech we are developing.

In the first iteration of this series, we covered Pixie Shopping Street — a clothing design and dress-up game (also marketplace) that’s exploring how the Loom SDK can be used to scale their current and future games using DAppChains.

In the second installment of this series, we covered Neon District — which is a hybrid role playing and asset collecting game set in a futuristic, tech-noir landscape.

Then I introduced you to Axie Infinity — which is a game that lets you battle (and breed) fantasy pets (called Axies) on the blockchain.

That’s essentially what we are doing with this series by showing you how the earliest pioneers and developers are using the Loom SDK to build and deploy highly scalable games and social apps.

…and I am glad to have you on board with us! 😘

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Loom Network

Autodidact, technopagan, and marketing spellbinder, harnessing the arcane arts to captivate, mesmerize, and mold the zeitgeist for the highest bidder 🔮