🔔 Zombie Battleground: The First TRULY Scalable Blockchain Game Now Open for Early Access! (In Private Alpha)

Loom Network
Published in
5 min readAug 16, 2018
The demand for a TCG/CCG like Zombie Battleground that runs on the blockchain has been overwhelming — almost too hard to keep up with.



After a 2-month long, wildly successful Kickstarter campaign — and funded in only 1 day — Zombie Battleground is available in playable form for early backers in EARLY ALPHA.

Zombie Battleground — the wildly anticipated tradable, collectible card game that runs entirely on the blockchain, is finally here in ALPHA.

The word alpha might conjure up a virile chimp beating its chest, howling, and ready to mate — but in this context, it has nothing to do with chimps OR mating 😉

In short, alpha simply means — this is a super duper, early, unpolished version of the game.

It’s a lot like this house:

This is the alpha version of a soon to be a nice, luxury home.

But, UNLIKE that house…


Just check out this alpha gameplay footage:

Alpha gameplay footage — our Game Director, Roy Shapira, plays a match using the Toxic Faction

In fact — just yesterday, we released this bad boy to our loyal, early Kickstarter backers.

…and a lot of them are fully caffeinated and slaying zombies on the blockchain as you read this! 😱

Other than our early backers — the public is DEMANDING that we release the game early 😐

I gotta confess — we didn’t anticipate how many people would be actually interested in a one-of-a-kind CCG/TCG that ran ENTIRELY on the blockchain.

Sure — we know that blockchain games are going to blow up very soon, but it’s tough the predict how these things will actually turn out.

Turns out we totally underestimated the demand for something like Zombie Battleground.

To recap…

  • 1,693 early adopters pledged $320K+ in just 2 months on Kickstarter.
  • Over 12 MILLION+ people were exposed to Zombie Battleground content and advertisements during the campaign (impressions measured across Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube) — and are now aware that blockchain gaming is a thing.
  • In addition to our early backers, approximately 22,938 people are on a WAIT LIST to receive an announcement when we release the open beta to the public later this year. (If you want to join the waiting list and get alerted when we open up more alpha tester slots, sign up here 📧)
  • Over 14K+ folks entered into our raffle to win Zombie Battleground goodies. (We’ll be announcing winners soon!)
  • Even though we only released the Trading Post during the last week of the campaign, almost 50,000 packs of cards were purchased in that one week using ETH and LOOM tokens, via the the Loom Trading Post.

…and that doesn’t even include the countless number of gamers that have already started doing exclusive livestreams on Twitch and YouTube.

And the coolest part is…

Zombie Battleground hasn’t even been released to the public yet.

We’re super thrilled to not only be building a revolutionary blockchain game, but to also have such an incredibly passionate player base BEFORE the game is even released to the public.

GameChain: Over 60,000+ blocks processed in the first 24 hours

Zombie Battleground’s GameChain has ALREADY processed over 64,069+ blocks since the alpha launch.

That ain’t a typo.

You read it correctly — GameChain, the dedicated DAppChain that’s running Zombie Battleground, has already processed well over 60K+ blocks since the game was released in ALPHA.

GameChain is the sidechain we talked about in this roadmap post that is highly optimized for high-performance blockchain games like Zombie Battleground.

Currently only Zombie Battleground is running on GameChain, but in the future we plan to open it up so that other games (like these) can run on the same chain, and share the same highly-optimized infrastructure.

(In case you’ve been wondering what sort of technical wizardry we’ve been working on over the past few months at Loom Network, we’ll have another post coming soon… with lots of exciting and juicy details 😉)

By the way…

Rolling monthly alpha builds (and updates) for Zombie Battleground are on the way — So stay tuned 😉

Like I mentioned earlier, since this is an EARLY ALPHA version, it is totally expected that there will be some bugs and card imbalance issues.

Staying consistent with our ethos, we prefer to release a functional version of the product FIRST — and THEN iterate and improve it to perfection based on the feedback of real users.

When this is all said and done, I expect Zombie Battleground to be more pimped out than Floyd Mayweather’s watch collection 😉

(Ok, not gonna lie. Dilanka suggested that edit. Dilanka expects Zombie Battleground to be more pimped out than Floyd Mayweather’s watch collection.)

…oh, and that crappy house I posted earlier?

After we iron out all the bugs and issues and release Zombie Battleground to the public later this year — it should look something like this.

Yeah, it’s gonna evolve into a decked-out mansion.

If you are an early backer, alpha tester, or someone who supported Zombie Battleground through spirit… we want to thank you 🙇

Because, without you — none of this would be possible.

This alpha version of Zombie Battleground doesn’t have all the features of the final version — and it will certainly contain a good number of bugs.


With the help of all of you AMAZING alpha testers (or as I like to call you: badass pioneers who roam the blockchainz) — each new build will be better than the last 😎

Stay tuned.

Meanwhile, check out our enthusiastic livestreamer community in our Zombie Battleground Discord.

Early backer, gentleman, and scholar NinjaMortis uses goo overflow to summon Z-Virus, one of the extremely rare Generals in Zombie Battleground.

P.S. If this is your first time reading about Zombie Battleground, start here.

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Loom Network

Entrepreneur turned investor. Writer, musician, adventurer, student of the world.