Top Stories published by Luscious Lushes in 2012

This is no shrinking violet!

Belle Glos Pinot Noir are wines made for Cabernet lovers. While each of the three vineyards used to make these wines is coastal, they all produce very different wines. The Wagner family is well known for their contributions to thee wine industry in Napa, through their efforts at…

The hills are a glow with…


On our Blitz Carlton tour of the Yamhill-Carlton wine region, I was lucky enough to visit the Luminous Hills vineyard sight. I have tasted the wines of Byron Dooley a few times before, as he owns the Seven of Hearts and Luminous Hills labels, but…

CRM is not a four letter word

Wow! My recent post on the need for CRM in the wine world has really sparked some inspired conversation. This is an exciting time, as the more people are talking and thinking about CRM for the wine industry, the more educated they can become.

These were the top 10 stories published by Luscious Lushes in 2012. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2012 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Luscious Lushes
Adventures in wine, whiskey, food and travel, often original, sometimes republished from
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