Showing my progress as a new medium writer in 2024

On February 19, 2024, I uploaded my first story, which was this (well, its AI created but the details & ideas were mine),


Unraveling Attachment: Navigating Detachment in Friendships and Relationships

in Feb., I uploaded 3 stories. At first, I did not get any views but eventually, my first story gained views (not reads). I did get a little demotivated, but after almost 10 days I got my first read, and then I got some boost of motivation to continue writing.

Screenshot by author: my February story stats

Then in March, I started to research how medium works and what kind of work I needed to do. I started to see some progress with my next three March posts.

Screenshot by author: March story stats

April was literally a great month of progress. I gained almost 10-something followers and the reads ratio was also doubled from previous month.

Screenshot by author: my April stories (there is one more but not shown here)
Screenshot by author: April story stats

Now in the previous month even when I was not that consistent with posting, I still managed to raise my reads and follower.

Screenshot by author: May story stats


By far, writing almost for four months, I’ve learned some really important things that every new writer needs to know.

  1. Don’t focus on gaining followers, instead shift your attention to readers’ engagement like responses, highlights & reads.
  2. You don’t need to post every second day. Focus on quality instead of quantity. Put valuable content for readers.
  3. Engage with your audience. Reply to their responses and feedback. Understand their interests.
  4. Make your titles eye-catching.
  5. Find the right and engaging publication for your niche. Apply for different publications and try to be consistent.


start your journey of writing without seeking any perfection. Start from where you are.

*If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments.


• For any work inquiry, email me here📨:

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• Check out my other posts:

Life-changing beginner lesson on wealth

A simple life productivity algorithm that will change your life

