6 Things You Need To Know Before Working at Machine Ventures

Working in an innovative company is not just “cool,” it is also quite tough!

Val Ocampo
Machine Ventures
3 min readFeb 21, 2018


If you are reading this article, then it’s either you’re a job applicant or maybe just an avid fan of our company *blushes* Whoever you are, it’s time to re-think about the whole commentary about startup companies, because ours particularly, is quite different from the rest.

Also, if you’ve read the dramatic subtitle stated in the beginning, then you will also know that things are about to get real.

Before you hit that ‘Apply Here’ button

1. Work Fast + Work Hard + Work Smart = Growth

We understand that in every company, there are deadlines/goals set in the beginning of a certain project. But in Machine Ventures, we have this imprinted mentality called the rapid innovation mindset.

“Don’t be just busy, be productive”

Every minute counts in our company, and we do not tolerate to waste any of it. In order to do this, it is expected that Machinists should strive to master the compelling skill of working fast and smart, because that’s how we will rapidly grow.

2. United Colors of Machine

In Machine, we have a pool of Machinists who came from different parts of the world. We emphasize on the fact that different cultures bring ideas and we are a team beyond nationality united by mindset and attitude.

The only barricade that will divide us is the infidelity of our company’s mission. We expect that you have an open mind to these distinct perspectives — you will also get a chance to learn a thing or two from different backgrounds!

3. The Importance of Priorities

We all haveexperienced multiple tasks thrown at hand and it’s normal to feel overwhelmed at some point — you’re still human anyway. In our company, we are not just workaholics, we are Machinists driven to make sure that top priorities in our workload are proficiently executed.

“It’s not the load that breaks you, it’s the way you carry it.”

Being classified as a ‘Workaholic’ is not necessarily a good term. Why? Because for us it means that employees are doing their work inefficiently. It is expected that during your 10 hour stay in the day, you have already accomplished all your top tasks. Once you’ve done that, then you are free to leave by closing time because let’s face it, it’s never fun to overtime. It burns you out, causes sleep deprivation and keeps you unfocused the next day, which is unacceptable.

4. Feedback, feedback, FEEDBACK!

If you read about the Internship Program or The Apprenticeship Program, then you must have noticed how frequent the Machinist and his/her immediate manager meet. Why? It is because feedback is crucially important to us.

As a growing company, we are still looking for ways to get better, and being a part of our team means that you have this chance to contribute and instill change. Who knows, your suggestion can be revolutionary!

“It’s not about being the best, it’s about being better than you were yesterday.”

So we encourage all our Machinists to be honest during their feedback sessions. Speak up! Don’t be afraid to even point out the negative inputs. We don’t bite.

5. No Hierarchy, Just an Open Workspace.

Unlike other companies, there are limitations to converse with certain individuals inside the workspace. Why? Because there is a strict compliance of obeying the organizational structure.

“Don’t wait for the opportunity, create it.”

In Machine, although we do have an organizational chart, we do not believe that this will restrict Machinists to communicate with others. So if you want to talk to the CEO of Machine, then you are free to do so!

6. Your Attitude Determines Your Direction

You may have garnered all the credible experiences or studied in the best university, but what we closely look into every aspiring employee is their attitude. The value and respect you have for your work, your co-workers and the regulations in Machine is highly essential.

Now that you have read these expectations, we want you to reflect on what you have learned from us and ponder if this is the right company for you. Always go back to your life purpose, and if you believe that Machine aligns with yours then dear reader, I think it’s time to click that Apply Here button.



Val Ocampo
Machine Ventures

Filipina with a devoted heart to tech, beauty & music. Work-life involves 500designs.com