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Is iPadOS 15 really a Disappointment?

Why reality did not meet our expectations when it came to iPadOS 15

Akshay Gajria
Published in
7 min readJun 14, 2021


Ever since Apple decided to put the M1 processor in the iPad Pro, all us tech nerds (me included) whetted our appetites.

“The iPad now has the same processor as a Mac.”
“The iPad should run MacOS.”
“The iPad is getting the Pro apps for sure.”

Releasing an iPad Pro with an M1 chip, weeks before WWDC meant only one thing: Things are about to change, drastically, in iPadOS.

But Apple is known to take their time till the technology is right before adopting it. So why did we expect so much out of iPadOS? There are three parts to this puzzle:

1. Nomenclature
2. Ground Work
3. Strategy

Let’s break them down.

1. Nomenclature

Shakespeare wrote, “What’s in a name?”

The iPad Pros usually receive a X variation of the chip from the latest iPhone. The 2018 iPad (the one I own) received the A12X from the then latest iPhone XS. What do these X (or Z) variants have? Extra CPU and GPU cores. The iPad is a bigger devices with a much larger thermal envelope, alongside a much larger battery. It…

