Episode #1. Storyboards

Harry Ng
macOS App Development
3 min readJan 7, 2018
macOS 10.13 High Sierra

It’s 2018.

Happy New Year!

What’s your goal this year? Hit the gym, or cut the cheese on the pizza with extra cheese? (a little joke from Spotify ads)

Why am I doing this? My Big Goal of the year is to Give more than Take. I revisited my works in the past, and found out that the macOS App Development video tutorials made a little impact to the World. I decided to pick up again, and update the tutorials with new contents. This is why you see this first post.

What am I working on? I am taking this as an experiment and side project, where my main work goes to building Sorted. If you found any spelling error, bad pronunciation, or incorrect teachings, please feel free to let me know. I will do my best to improve the quality.

Who am I doing this for? iOS Developers or Beginners in Programming.

I started making macOS apps by extending Sorted to cover Mac platform. I have seen two main groups of macOS developers out there. They are either seasoned developers with more than 10 years of experience, or they started working on iOS and wanted to extend the produce to macOS like me.

The series is made for iOS developers who are moving onwards to macOS development. In the meantime, the content is easily understandable for beginners too.

How will I do this? My 2018 resolution is to Give more than Take. By posting videos on YouTube and articles on Medium, I hope to make the content readily available to widest range of people.

If I get little help on hosting, I am willing to make a Chinese version and share to the Chinese developer community as well.

New Episode on Every Sunday

… For FREE.

I am learning throughout this process. I believe the best way to learn, is to teach. I encourage you to send me your thoughts, leave comments and clap if you enjoy the content. Win-Win.

I’ve also created an Index Page. It looks a bit empty for now, but every week I will add the new link to article and video.


As a first episode in this new series, let’s start with some basics. Storyboard was the most viewed video in the previous series I made two years ago. This also skips the complexity of coding syntax and language versions. I hope you enjoy this short clip.

Source Code can be found here.

See you next week. Follow the series here to get notified.

It’s a little cold on northern side of Earth these days. Stay warm. For those on the southern side. Hope you enjoy your weekend!

Thanks for watching! 😎 If you enjoyed it, please test how many claps can you hit 👏 in 5 seconds. It’s great finger tapping test AND will help other people see the story.

Watch previous series here.

