
Harry Ng
macOS App Development
1 min readJan 7, 2018
Xcode 9.2 / Swift 4.0.3

This is where you’ll find all the episodes in my latest macOS App Development Series.

Each link takes you to the matching article with video embedded.

Setting the Stage

Make It Better

There is a list of topics, that I will be covering in the upcoming episodes.

  • NSCollectionView
  • NSTableView
  • Menu Bar
  • Split View Controller
  • NSButton
  • Auto Layout
  • NSOutlineView
  • Drag & Drop
  • Core Data
  • Download
  • File Manager
  • CocoaPods
  • Carthage
  • Swift Package Manager

Thanks for watching! 😎 If you enjoyed it, please test how many claps can you hit 👏 in 5 seconds. It’s great finger tapping test AND will help other people see the story.

If you are interested in any topic, please leave me a comment below.

Watch previous series here.

