Shane’s Dog Is the Only Good Character

mad dyke mag
Mad Dyke
Published in
10 min readJan 28, 2020


It’s the night of the mayoral election and every political lesbian in LA is at Dana’s. Bette is surprisingly confident for a woman who hasn’t really communicated a lot of policies so far and already had a sex scandal. Dani’s yelling at random people, because a big part of her character is being a bitch to everybody for no real reason.

Alice (who isn’t wearing her large black glasses anymore and looks less like the Tootsie Pop owl) is swiping through Tinder, because she’s been ousted from her throuple. Shane’s trying to convince her to go on a date with a woman who has an unhealthy relationship with her parakeet, when she gets a phone call that causes her to dramatically exit. Then Bette wins another district and Dani looks horny af.

Finley’s bartending at Dana’s and anxiously looking around for Sophie because I guess they’re madly in love now. Sure, whatever, I’m tired. Sophie shows up alone because her fiancé barely remembers what she looks like at this point. José and Micah are also there because they’re just always kind of around, not saying much, or completely absent. I don’t really notice either way because they’re boring.

Dani pops up out of nowhere and actually seems really into Sophie for once — probably cause she’s all horned up from Bette winning districts. “This is cute,” José offers, because they don’t have a…

