
mad dyke mag
Mad Dyke
Published in
7 min readJan 20, 2020


Sophie is feeling on herself in the shower like she’s in an Herbal Essences commercial while Dani complains about her job. Finley busts in — because she lives there now. Shane kicked her out of her house so she could have a last-minute baby with her ex-wife. While Dani doesn’t even bat an eye at Sophie’s titties, Finley’s eyes and tongue bug out like a cartoon character.

At Alice’s, the throuple is figuring out their TV-watching schedule, which, to me, seems like it would be the most difficult part of being poly. Alice asks Gigi and Nat to wait for her to watch Below Deck, which I think is fair, and also the only time I’ve ever related to Alice. Meanwhile, Gigi is making the kids breakfast and color coding the closets, she really seems like the only one pulling her weight around here.

Back at the villa, Sophie’s making a basket of what looks like french toast or grilled cheese for the queer commune they’ve formed. Micah has returned from the dead after the writers forgot about him in the last episode. Apparently his mom is going to meet José that day, because I guess that’s what you do when you’re in the “in between” phase of a relationship.

Finley comes down the steps complaining about the water pressure (don’t you technically pay rent on an apartment on Koreatown? Go home!!) when Sophie gets a call telling her that her grandmother is in…

