Revelation Three

Paula Thomas
MadeYouThink! with Paula Thomas
2 min readMar 16, 2017

Greet the day with a smile.

Photo by Luca Upper

Greet the day with a smile?

Simple. That’s not much of a revelation.

We all do it . . right? What could be easier?

You’re reading a continuation of a series. To start at the beginning click here: My Night Revelation or link to the mobile series and read them all in one spot.

I think it’s much more than painting a smile on your face in the morning for the sake of doing it. Nothing is accomplished that way.

No, I think the meaning of greet the day with a smile penetrates more deeply.

I have a challenge for you. Tomorrow and the next 6 days after that, keep track of the first thing your mind thinks when you wake in the morning?

I’m not kidding. What is the first thing you think in the morning? Write it down if you like.

Notice a theme?

Ugh? or Yay?

Where is your loop, track, chatter, noise? (read about them here.)

Does morning start with . . .

“I have to do this today.” (Ugh)


“I get to do this today.” (Yay)

The difference may seem subtle but it’s not. It’s significant.

If you’re waking up pleased with what you get to do today, for the most part life is light and easy like balloons floating into the sky.

When you enjoy your work, when the people you have contact with everyday are ones you cherish, when the environment in which you live gives satisfaction, when your body is healthy and nourished: You naturally greet the day with a smile.

Think about it. If something is holding you back from greeting everyday with a smile, what can you change to make it happen?

What would get you saying, “… This is what I GET to do today.”

I’ll leave you with a story, which comes to mind every time I contemplate revelation three.

Waking my kids for school when they were younger was a challenge. If you’re a parent, you know. My morning mantra was, “Rise and shine like the bright morning sun.” I’d say as I walked into their rooms and tickled their toes. They were not always amused. I was hit with more than one stray pillow.

I still say, “Rise and shine . . .” most days when I wake. Not sure why but it always brings me a smile.

The sun sustains life and if we rise like the sun, we can only shine.

What’s next? A sneak peak at the next night revelation. The Fourth statement I wrote that night said, “Always be thankful.”

MadeYouThink! I create positive daily posts that uplift, inspire, motivate, and most of all help you think your way to a perfectly suited life.

I’d love for you to follow and share. ~Paula



Paula Thomas
MadeYouThink! with Paula Thomas

I seek to help people know and understand their power to think. #Thinking#Inspiration#Motivation#Uplifting#Positive