Archive of stories published by

Using docker-compose in Bitbucket Pipelines

At Magnet we use Bitbucket to host our code and we recently switched to use…

PDF generation with Clojure, thanks to Dmitri Sotnikov

Unlike consumer software, Reporting is something that enterprise software always needs, so a month ago our team did a benchmark analysis to choose the best PDF generator library or third-party tool. As Clojure runs on the JVM and has…

Clojure MXNet for musculoskeletal disease diagnosis

Back in May, we released a proof-of-concept deep learning webapp using Cortex, the native Clojure deep learning library.

Now that Carin Meier has built a Clojure Package for MXNet we have decided to jump in and use…

Using lein checkouts for easier development of modules

Here in Magnet we have a big internal project going on. We’re building HOP — a modular system that allows you to serve different needs depending on the project requirements. It follows the principles of Duct by @weavejester. You can…

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