Top Stories published by Making Christchurch in 2015

Christchurch Convention Centre: The closer I look the less it makes sense

The proposed Christchurch Convention Centre Precinct is one of the central features of the Government’s plans for the central city, it will occupy two of the most important blocks of the city between…

Corporate urbanism and the new Christchurch.

By Timothy Moore. This article first appeared in the Press on the 27th November 2015

Timothy Moore is a director of architectural office SIBLING. SIBLING won the Premier Award for Australian Interior Design in 2015.

Cheap deals and incentives

By Brie Sherow and Jane Gregg from Life in Vacant Spaces

This article was previously published on the 10th of September in The Press here.

Central Christchurch feels more alive each day, full of construction projects if not yet…

These were the top 10 stories published by Making Christchurch in 2015. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2015 by using the calendar at the top of this page.