The Weekly Rundown: Skip level meetings, my best boss, and more

Matt VanGent
Management Matters
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2 min readJul 19, 2020

In case you missed it, we had some great articles posted this week, full of practical advice to help you become an even better manager.

If you’re anything like me, it’s tempting to think my leadership improves just by reading the right things. If only that were true! As much as I like to click over to the next article as soon as I finish the current one, I’ve found that sometimes, I need to let an idea marinate. So pick one or two of these recent articles and just focus on one key idea that you can implement this week.

And feel free to reach out if you’re interested in personalized coaching (you can follow this link to sign up for a free 30-minute session). Sometimes it just takes a one-on-one conversation to help you over the next hurdle.

Skip-level Meetings: Uncovering Your Organisation’s Reality

If you aren’t currently taking advantage of skip-level meetings, you’re missing out on a valuable tool to gain perspective! The further away you get from the front lines, the further removed you become from the challenges of your indirect reports.

My Best Boss Made Me Hopeful About Becoming a Leader

With the right combination of mindset, regular check-ins, and leading by example, you can position yourself to become your employees’ best boss.

Never Waste Another Minute in a Meeting

If you’ve ever sat through a meeting and thought, “This should have been an email,” you’re not alone! If you’re responsible for leading or planning meetings, check out this article for some valuable tips to transform them from a waste of time into a valuable return on investment.

Managing Disciplinary Actions in a Strong Union Environment

If you work in a strong union environment, follow these tips to navigate the challenges.

The Weekly Book Recommendation

If you’re looking to go deeper this week, look no further! Check out Kim Scott’s game-changing book, Radical Candor. If you read one book this year to become a better manager, read this one. It completely changed the way I give and receive feedback and has influenced numerous aspects of the way I manage.

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Here’s to seeing all of us become better leaders,

Matt VanGent




Matt VanGent
Management Matters

CFO and nonprofit leader. Writing about things that help you succeed personally and professionally. Leadership coaching available: