Top Stories published by Manifestly: The Official Blog in 2015

What Makes a Checklist Effective?

At Manifestly, we’re dedicated to helping people use checklists to improve their recurring processes. In this article, we’re going to dive into the question of what makes a checklist effective by focusing on these questions:

  • What is a checklist?

Feature Requests, Tell Us What You’d Like

We recently set up UserVoice for capturing and ranking the top feature requests. It’s a brand new effort on our part, so if there are things (like sign in with google apps) that you’d like to see in our system, please let us know. Up to this point, we’ve…

Can Checklists Help Baseball Teams?

Well, Keith Law, Senior Baseball Writer at thinks they might.

Keith is a big fan of checklists and writes about them on his personal blog. He discovered the Checklist Manifesto by reading Thinking, Fast and Slow — another excellent…

Manifestly: The Official Blog
Online checklist management to help your company Never Miss a Thing. This is the official blog for the Manifestly app and a welcoming home for all checklist enthusiasts.
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