Top Stories published by MantisNLP in 2022

Implementing a Custom Intent Classification Model with Rasa

This post was originally written by Anna Vechkaeva

Rasa is a framework for developing conversational AI agents, which offers a number of off-the-shelf models which can be trained on custom data. The…

Going the extra mile, lessons learnt from Kaggle on how to train better NLP models (Part II)

In Part I, we presented the challenge and constructed a basic transformer model that we fine-tuned on the data. The score we got previously was 0.624. (As a reminder, a…

Our experiments with 🤗 AutoNLP

When Huggingface announced AutoNLP, we were pretty excited and we just couldn’t wait to experiment with…

These were the top 10 stories published by MantisNLP in 2022. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2022 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

We are an AI consultancy focused on Natural Language Processing. We'll be writing about machine learning and natural language processing like: chatbots, open source software, and more…
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