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Insights and practices in tech and data
Large language models for text representation: semantic search and topic maps
Large language models for text representation: semantic search and topic maps
Exploring how LLMs transform semantic search and topic mapping for more effective information retrieval and text mining.
Matthias Plaue
Dec 20, 2023
LLMs for innovation and technology intelligence: news categorization and trend signal detection
LLMs for innovation and technology intelligence: news categorization and trend signal detection
In applications of business intelligence, news articles are an important source for relevant and timely information.
Matthias Plaue
Jun 6, 2023
Large-scale language models for innovation and technology intelligence: sentiment analysis on news…
Large-scale language models for innovation and technology intelligence: sentiment analysis on news…
Sentiment analysis, also called opinion mining, is the field of study that analyzes people’s opinions, sentiments, evaluations, appraisals…
Matthias Plaue
May 5, 2023
Data-driven innovation and technology intelligence
Data-driven innovation and technology intelligence
This article is an excerpt from the MAPEGY Whitepaper: “A Guide to Data-Driven Innovation and Technology Intelligence”.
Matthias Plaue
Sep 7, 2022
About MAPEGY Tech
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