Maquette 2.3 released and how to unit-test your maquette components

We consider maquette to be mainly feature-complete, which means that this minor update only contains a few small additions.

What is new in Maquette 2.3

Maquette 2.2 now supports JSX

A lot of code has changed in maquette 2.2, but there are almost no API changes since version 2.1. This is because maquette is now converted to Typescript and all of the functionality is now covered by unit tests. It does now meet the same quality standards that we use for the…

Maquette with Typescript quick-start

I am very enthusiastic about writing web applications using Typescript combined with maquette. I think a typed language combined with a virtual DOM really solves a lot of problems and boosts productivity.

Other approach stateful components

Stateful components is a concept that React uses to preserve state in components across renders.

Maquette uses a fundamentally different approach. Component lifecycles are not managed by the virtual DOM library, but by the programmer.

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