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Insights, research, and analyses over coffee.
Corporate leadership in the era of the new normal.
Corporate leadership in the era of the new normal.
This is one of the toughest times to be a leader of any kind. Be it a small shop owner or the leader of a nation.
MARC Editorial
Sep 29, 2020
Franchising in the Indian market
MARC Editorial
The shift in consumer behavior during COVID-19 and post-pandemic — an opinion.
MARC Editorial
Leaving a MARC across India — an interview.
MARC Editorial
The Union Budget 2019 — A Goan Perspective.
MARC Editorial
Budget and economic survey 2019-an analysis.
MARC Editorial
Alcohol Industry in India.
MARC Editorial
How will Goa Miles be beneficial for the community as well as drivers?
How will Goa Miles be beneficial for the community as well as drivers?
The Indian taxi market back in 2013 was very similar to some of the roads in the country, full of potholes.
MARC Editorial
Jul 30, 2020
Deep dive-peeling the profit onion.
Deep dive-peeling the profit onion.
Profitability is like the innermost core of an onion; it’s covered with layers over layers that reduce the size of the inner core.
MARC Editorial
Jul 30, 2020
Expectations of cab aggregation in a market dominated by taxi drivers.
Expectations of cab aggregation in a market dominated by taxi drivers.
The Indian taxi market back in 2013 was very similar to some of the roads in the country, full of potholes.
MARC Editorial
Jul 30, 2020
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