Part 2 — Tensor Representations: Understanding the N-Dimensional Genomic Grammar

Freedom Preetham
Mathematical Musings
5 min readNov 2, 2023

Building upon the foundational discussion laid out in Part 1, “A Rigorous Mathematical Exposition on N-Dimensional Genomic Grammar vs One-Dimensional Linguistic Grammar".

I will now venture deeper into the realm of n-dimensional genomic grammar through the lens of tensor representation. Tensors, with their intrinsic capacity to encapsulate multidimensional interactions, serve as a cornerstone in understanding the complex genomic landscape.

This Article is Part of a 6-part Blog Series

Part 1 — A Rigorous Mathematical Exposition on N-Dimensional Genomic Grammar vs One-Dimensional Linguistic Grammar

Part 2 — Tensor Representation

Part 3 — Algebraic Topology: Charting the Topological Landscape

Part 4 — Differential Geometry: Unveiling the Geometric Structure

Part 5 — Statistical Mechanics: Probing the Dynamic Behavior

Part 6 — Tensor Algebra: Navigating Through Multidimensional Interactions

2. Tensor Representation in Genomic Space

2.1 Tensor Definition

In the genomic space, a tensor T of order n is represented as a multidimensional array where each element represents a specific interaction across n genomic dimensions. Mathematically, this is represented as:

where i1​,i2​,…,in​ are indices corresponding to different genomic dimensions. The indices range over the set of all possible states within each dimension, thus providing a comprehensive representation of the genomic space.

The representation allows for the encapsulation of complex genomic interactions in a structured mathematical framework, facilitating a deeper understanding of the interplay between different genomic dimensions.

2.2 Tensor Contraction

Tensor contraction is a mechanism to reduce the order of a tensor by summing over one or more pairs of indices. This operation is instrumental in simplifying tensor expressions and uncovering underlying relationships among genomic dimensions. The formal expression for tensor contraction over indices i and j is given by:

Tensor contraction can also be visualized as a form of function application in the multidimensional space, where the contraction over specific indices results in a lower-dimensional tensor that encapsulates the essence of higher-order interactions.

2.3 Tensor Product

The tensor product operation combines two tensors T and S into a tensor of order equal to the sum of the orders of T and S. Mathematically, this is expressed as:

The tensor product operation facilitates the exploration of interactions between different tensors, thus enriching the understanding of multidimensional genomic interactions. It also introduces a form of compositional semantics into the genomic space, allowing for the investigation of how different genomic factors interact and contribute to overall genomic function.

2.4 Einstein Summation Convention

The Einstein summation convention simplifies tensor equations by implicitly summing over repeated indices, as shown in the following expression

This convention streamlines tensor notation, making it more concise while retaining mathematical rigor. It also serves as a mechanism to reduce notational clutter and focus on the essential relationships being represented.

2.5 Tensor Decomposition

Tensor decomposition enables the expression of a tensor T as a sum of simpler tensors, aiding in dissecting complex genomic interactions. This is formally expressed as:

where λr​ are scalar weights, and ur​,vr​,wr​ are vectors. Tensor decomposition is crucial in isolating and understanding the fundamental interactions across genomic dimensions. Moreover, it provides insight into the inherent structure of the genomic space and facilitates the extraction of meaningful patterns.

2.6 Tensor Rank

The rank of a tensor T is the minimum number R such that T can be expressed as a sum of R simple tensors. It is expressed as:

The rank of a tensor provides insight into the complexity of the interactions it encapsulates. It also serves as a measure of the information content within a tensor, offering a glimpse into the richness of the genomic interactions being represented.

2.7 Multilinear Maps and Tensor Algebra

Tensors are pivotal in representing multilinear maps, providing a robust mathematical framework to explore multidimensional genomic interactions. A multilinear map M can be expressed as:

These mathematical constructs deepen our understanding of n-dimensional genomic​​ space.

Musings on Part 2

The exploration of tensor representation sheds light on the mathematical richness inherent in the n-dimensional genomic grammar. Unlike the linear, one-dimensional linguistic grammar, the genomic grammar necessitates a multidimensional approach, and tensors provide the requisite mathematical framework to navigate this complex space. The concepts of tensor contraction, tensor product, and tensor decomposition, among others, unveil a structured pathway to decode the intricate genomic interactions.

As we delve deeper into the mathematical exegesis of genomic grammar, the role of tensors as a bridge to understanding complex genomic interactions becomes unequivocally clear. The journey from linear linguistic grammar to multidimensional genomic grammar is emblematic of the profound complexity that characterizes the language of life.

