Day 12: God’s Purpose Keeps Us Alive

Femi Senjobi
Published in
3 min readDec 25, 2018
Photo by Shelby Miller

One of Man’s greatest fear is death. Many face this experience with dread. For this reason, the rich mount very tight security about themselves. The dying spends a fortune to turn back the hands of time. The poor who seem to be tired of living still celebrate when they escape death by inches. But is there a better way to preserve our lives?

Herod was fuming with fear and jealousy when he heard a new King has been born. I wonder what kind of Child intimidates the King if not that the affront originated from a realm beyond the visible! Herod ensured that all the Children within the age range of the threat were eliminated. But Jesus survived. He lived through the massacre. It is interesting to know that John fell within that age range too and His life was preserved.

I am convinced beyond reasonable doubt that people who are within the purpose of God cannot be eliminated by death. Death can only reach us when God says we are done. Acts 13:36 “Now when David had served God’s purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep; he was buried with his ancestors and his body decayed.” Purpose preserves our lives and those of the people that God will have us inspired to fulfill destiny.

We see severally from the scriptures that God’s word is life!

  • John 1: 4 In the Word, there is life and this life gives light to all. Anyone who walks in His light can be safe!
  • Pros 3: 2 God’s word will increase the length of our days and the years of life, and our prosperity.
  • Pros 4: 22 God’s word is life to those who find them and health to all their body.
  • John 6: 63 The words I have spoken to you — they are full of the Spirit and life.

More Examples
God’s purpose is revealed to us by His word and His word comes by revelation. God can, therefore, reach us with dreams, visions, impressions, thoughts, signs and writings coming alive.

Jesus Stayed alive By Revelation
When God came in the form of man. He was as vulnerable as any of us would. But By revelation in a dream, Joseph was instructed to take Jesus to Egypt (Matthew 2:13). The wise men, also by revelation in a dream, were instructed not to return to Herod so that Jesus would not be found (Matthew 2:12). This saved Jesus’ life and preserved the plan God had for the salvation of the world. God can keep your soul from death and destruction by revelation!

The Young Prophet
1 Kings 13: 11–26 This is rather a tragic example but helps to see how disastrous it could be to walk outside of the word/purpose that God has for us. The young prophet has explicit instructions with which his life could have been preserved, but he decided to go on his own just for a moment and death caught up with him.

God’s word has the capacity to prolong our lives!

More in the 12 Days of Christmas Series

  1. Day 1: The Seed of the Woman
  2. Day 2: It’s a Brand New Day not a Birthday
  3. Day 3: All Things are Working Together
  4. Day 4: Christmas is About A King
  5. Day 5: The Wonderful Counsellor
  6. Day 6: The Wonderful Counsellor II
  7. Day 7: The Everlasting Father
  8. Day 8: The Everlasting Father II
  9. Day 9: The Mighty God
  10. Day 10: The Prince of Peace
  11. Day 11: A Personal Christmas
  12. Day 12: God’s Purpose Keeps Us Alive (you are here)



Femi Senjobi
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