Day 9: The Mighty God

Femi Senjobi
Published in
3 min readDec 22, 2018
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Is 9:6 A child is born to us! A son is given to us! And he will be our ruler. He will be called, “Wonderful Counselor,” “Mighty God,” “Eternal Father,” “Prince of Peace.”

This is perhaps the most daunting statement for people of every other religion. This is the struggle of every other school of thought that one personality can totally embody all power, authority, knowledge and also be everywhere. This is the singular distinction between Christianity and any other religion. And until we reach this point, we honestly have not begun our Christian walk. Jesus is not just a prophet or a Man of God. He is not just a good man. He is the Mighty God.

The Mighty God Came to Us
We have seen people start a religion on the basis of mediation. That one person can stand between God and man and relay messages, blessing and instructions both ways. But God does not have to be too far away that we cannot reach Him. He does not have to be too high up that we cannot access Him. This is the reality of Christianity: God can be revealed. God can be known. And this is the reality of Christmas. Christianity is God coming to us so that He can take us to Himself!

One of the greatest lessons of Christmas is that God revealed Himself! Finally, man can experience God in new dimensions that no one has ever done in the times past. God is more than an idea to debate on. He walked the face of the earth once and left giant footprints for men to follow.

God Walked the Earth
It is important to understand that God walked the face of the earth. This redefines everything about humanity. God made man in His image and likeness and we need to know that it is a possibility that divinity and mortality can coexist. God made mention of severally through men, prophets and nature. However, the Gospel is not just in words but in the demonstration of the spirit and power. God decided to also demonstrate the possibility of this coexistence and that is what Christmas reveals.

Choose One, Loose the Other
Finally, it is good to know that divinity and mortality can coexist in one body. That is great news! We can enjoy Godliness in our lifetime. However, there is more to it. Adam demonstrates to us that mortality can totally make the divine life elude us. Jesus demonstrates that, when we let God’s life to be expressed through us, mortality will be obliterated.

More in the 12 Days of Christmas Series

  1. Day 1: The Seed of the Woman
  2. Day 2: It’s a Brand New Day not a Birthday
  3. Day 3: All Things are Working Together
  4. Day 4: Christmas is About A King
  5. Day 5: The Wonderful Counsellor
  6. Day 6: The Wonderful Counsellor II
  7. Day 7: The Everlasting Father
  8. Day 8: The Everlasting Father II
  9. Day 9: The Mighty God (you are here)
  10. Day 10: The Prince of Peace
  11. Day 11: A Personal Christmas
  12. Day 12: God’s Purpose Keeps Us Alive



Femi Senjobi
Editor for

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