Day 10: The Prince of Peace

Femi Senjobi
Published in
3 min readDec 22, 2018
Photo by Henry Hustava

Is 9:6 A child is born to us! A son is given to us! And he will be our ruler. He will be called, “Wonderful Counselor,” “Mighty God,” “Eternal Father,” “Prince of Peace.”

Who is a Prince?
The very first impression that we receive when we hear prince is that he has a father who is a King. And in no time, He would be king too. But do we ever think about these things as we see them in scriptures? God is never referred to as the King of Peace and so Jesus being the prince of Peace should raise questions in our hearts. Secondly, God is everlasting and so Jesus is not a prince Because He would take the father’s place anytime soon!

Before I go ahead, I would like to make reference to a portion of scripture with a similar expression.

1 Sam 18:30 Then the princes of the Philistines went forth: and it came to pass, after they went forth, that David behaved himself more wisely than all the servants of Saul; so that his name was much set by.

Right here, the meaning of Price jumps right at us! Commander.

Prince in this context isn’t just speaking about a royal male child who is waiting for a national tragedy to become the new monarch. A prince is the Commander of the Army. This is perhaps the name of Jesus that introduces him as a warrior and the Lord of Host. He is the commander of the Armies of the Host of Heaven. He is the one Joshua saw and fell on His face! John 5:14. Christmas is not just a celebration of the birth of a sacrificial lamb. It is also the birth of the Lord of Hosts; a warrior.

And Peace?
What exactly is our interpretation of Peace? Peace is not a compromise between the warring parties so that they reach a mutual agreement and give each other mutual respect. Peace is not sweeping issues under the carpet so that ‘peace will reign.’ Peace is not silence and deadness.

Peace is total subjugation of the enemy. Peace is the stronger taking total authority such that opposition dies forever. Peace is when issues are permanently resolved. Peace is life and excitement. Peace is a guard for our minds. Peace is completeness, soundness, sanity and safety.

We do not need to come to a compromise with our personal weaknesses, we can overcome!

We do not need to accept defeat as the human race, we can come through it all!

We do not need to cower from oppression as a nation, we can be victorious!

We do not need to submit to tyranny and corruption, we can experience peace indeed!

More in the 12 Days of Christmas Series

  1. Day 1: The Seed of the Woman
  2. Day 2: It’s a Brand New Day not a Birthday
  3. Day 3: All Things are Working Together
  4. Day 4: Christmas is About A King
  5. Day 5: The Wonderful Counsellor
  6. Day 6: The Wonderful Counsellor II
  7. Day 7: The Everlasting Father
  8. Day 8: The Everlasting Father II
  9. Day 9: The Mighty God
  10. Day 10: The Prince of Peace (you are here)
  11. Day 11: A Personal Christmas
  12. Day 12: God’s Purpose Keeps Us Alive



Femi Senjobi
Editor for

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