How to submit an Item?

Rui Vilela
Merkatsu Blog
Published in
4 min readSep 23, 2015

You already have your store but no items. This is the tutorial for you!

Step 1 — Submit item(s)

I’m already assuming you have a store created in case you don’t click here.

  • The first thing you need to do is to select the store you want and click “submit item(s)”.

Step 2 — Create new item

After the first step the following page will appear.

  • Click on “create new item” to start creating your new item.

Step 3 — Edit your item

The following page will show up after completing the previous step.

To better understand this section I’ll explain the logic behind editing items. Everything regarding to editing is done on the right side of the page, while the way it will look will always appear on the left side.

Take this example:

As you can see on the right side I wrote “Item #1” , while on the left side in orange it shows what I wrote.

Now let’s check what you can do on this section:


  • Insert the name of your product in the name Section

In this case I named my product “Avocado”

Insert Image

  • To insert the image of your product, go to images and click on the plus sign that will appear if you pass your mouse over the grey square.

In my case I put an image of an avocado that I had saved on my computer.

In case you want to edit your image check this tutorial.

Cost & Availability

On this section you get to the decide if the item you’ve submitted is for sale or not and if it is “always available” or if the stock is limited.

In my store I’ve decided to sell the avocado for 1 €. Since they are for sale I check the box that is before “for sale”. When the box is checked it becomes orange.

Also I’ve decided that my avocado stock is limited to 50 avocados. Since the stock is limited I unchecked the box that is before “always available”. When the box is unchecked it becomes an orange outlined square.

Description (optional)

Use the description to add information on your item. This will help to inform you costumer about what it is buying.

In my case I decided not to add description, so by default nothing will show up in the description section.

Tags (optional)

To insert a tag simple write the word you want to be associated to your product and press enter

I wrote the word “fruit” and pressed enter. As you can see the hashtag sign was automatically added.

Tags are not considered to be part of the main functionalities to create a store. But they are super powerful so we’ll cover it in detail on this post.

Item Options (advanced)

The item options are still in developed but soon we’ll make a post about it. If you still want to use them contact us and we’ll help you out.


Click on the “edit about” button.

Afterwards the following page will show up:

On the “edit about” section you can add more information on your product, insert images, videos and tables. We use Froala as an editor for the about section. In case you are not familiar with this editor, it works the same as normal text editor.

Add item to collection

Decide in which collection you want your item to be feature in, by checking the boxes.

To better understand how collections work check this tutorial.

Step 4 — Save

To finish submitting your item just click the save button and your item will be added to your store.

