Top Stories published by Meshworking in 2008

3d mobile Avatars

Beema — Login
This is kind of a cross between Oddcast, and SitePal, Beema takes it mobile. You simply call in your message, it records it, and then delivers the message through the 3d avatar of your choice.

Rules of Mobile Engagement

MobiAD » Mobile Rules of Engagement
I came across this article by Scott Forrest and Jose Lozano of Mo7. They write about 3 specific simple rules of how to ensure that mobile campaigns are truly engaging.

Meet the “Bedroomers”

At first mention, The Bedroom Project sounds like the latest envelope-pushing-created-for-cable-only program to be featured on the Showtime fall line-up.

BP graphic.png

Social Nodes & Sociometry

I spent last week at the Conference Board’s Extending Your Brand to Employees Conference listening to great people from great companies talk about the importance of articulating and sharing a strong employer brand. Although they were all at different levels of brand development, the…

Campus Recruiting Forum

I thought I had posted this already — and now it is a bit late — but if you are in DC, I am speaking at the Campus Recruiting Forum. I have spoken for them several times in the past in different cities, and each time, the ensuing conversations have been thought-provoking and quite…

Dimensional mobile navigation

Realeyes3D has come up with a real interesting way to navigate throughout your wap environments on your phone. With a flick of the wrist you can navigate left or right or zoom into content. It provides a newer dimension to your mobile content. But actually quite intuitive to spacial context of the content.

These were the top 12 stories published by Meshworking in 2008. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2008 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Digital talent acquisition and employer brand marketing for the next generation.
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