Integrating Mathematical Frameworks with Genomic Research: A Synthesis for Researchers

Freedom Preetham
Meta Multiomics
Published in
3 min readNov 7, 2023

In the quest to understand the complexities of genomic regulation, researchers have turned to mathematical models to elucidate the multidimensional interactions that govern biological systems. I have written a six-part blog series that offers a deep dive into this approach, providing genomic researchers with a robust mathematical toolkit. Here, I synthesize these insights with concrete genomic examples that illustrate the practical application of these mathematical concepts.

Part 1: Beyond Linear Models in Genomics

Part 1 link: The series begins by challenging the adequacy of linear models, similar to one-dimensional linguistic grammar, in capturing the complexity of genomic regulation. For example, consider the linear approach to predicting phenotype from genotype, which fails to account for epistatic interactions where the effect of one gene is masked or modified by one or more other genes. An n-dimensional model is more appropriate for such complex interactions, similar to a “Large Genomic Model” that can handle the vast array of interactions within a cell.

Part 2: Tensor Representations for Complex Traits

Part 2 link: Tensor representations are introduced to model the genomic space’s interactions. A concrete example is the use of tensors to analyze gene expression data across different conditions, tissues, and time points. This can be particularly useful in gene expression analysis , where a tensor can capture the relationship between multiple genetic variants and their combined effect on complex traits.

Part 3: Algebraic Topology in Gene Regulatory Networks

Part 3 link: The third part brings algebraic topology into the genomic realm, using it to understand the connectivity and robustness of gene regulatory networks. For instance, the identification of homology groups within these networks can help in detecting feedback loops that are crucial for the stability of cellular functions, similar to the way loops in metabolic pathways are analyzed for their role in homeostasis and disease.

Part 4: Differential Geometry and Chromatin Organization

Part 4 link: Differential geometry provides insights into the three-dimensional organization of chromatin in the nucleus. The curvature in the genomic manifold can be related to the folding patterns of chromatin, which influence gene expression by bringing distant genes into close proximity, as seen in the formation of chromatin loops and topologically associating domains (TADs).

Part 5: Statistical Mechanics of Gene Expression

Part 5 link: The fifth part applies statistical mechanics to understand the probabilistic nature of gene expression. The partition function, for example, can be related to the ensemble of all possible states of a gene’s expression, with energy levels corresponding to the likelihood of transcription factor binding under different cellular conditions, as seen in the dynamics of gene expression under stress or during differentiation.

Part 6: Tensor Algebra in Multi-Omics Data Integration

Part 6 link: Finally, tensor algebra is revisited with a focus on its application in dissecting multidimensional genomic interactions. This is exemplified in multi-omics data integration, where tensor algebra can help in identifying interdependencies and co-regulation patterns across different layers of genomic data, such as DNA methylation, histone modification, and mRNA expression profiles.

Comprehensive Summary

Collectively, these mathematical frameworks offer genomic researchers a multidimensional approach to analyze and interpret the vast datasets characteristic of modern genomics. From the algebraic topology that can reveal new insights into the robustness of gene networks to the tensor algebra that can untangle the complex web of multi-omics interactions, these tools are not just theoretical constructs but practical instruments that can lead to a deeper understanding of genomic regulation and, ultimately, to novel therapeutic strategies and precision medicine.

