[Metadium News]: June Week 1–2

Published in
4 min readJun 14, 2019

Hello dear Metadians!

Metadium News is back to deliver news and updates from the past three weeks! Today, we’ll be reporting the happenings of the first, second and third weeks of June.

[Events and Updates]

Android&iOS Keepin Update: Meta ID is here!

Meta ID is here! Keepin is not a simple wallet app anymore, as we go to its original purpose of being a gateway that protects your personal information and supports your sovereignty. Make sure to update your Keepin and enjoy all the benefits! Now available on Google Play and App Store.

South Korean government appoints Coinplug to develop an interoperable decentralized ID

During this first half of 2019 Coinplug, our main technical partner, has been selected by government-backed institutions to participate in projects of R&D, public and private sectors. This post covers the R&D project with ETRI, the Korean Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute.

Metadium will be implemented in solutions for Korean educational institutions

KISA (Korean Internet & Security Agency), with the support of the Ministry of Science and ICT, appointed Coinplug with two projects in the private and public sectors. This time we focuse on the private sector project.

ETHCon Korea 2019: Recap

During the ETHCon 2019, Metadium team managed a booth for developers and attendees where they could learn more about the Metadium Blockchain, and participate to win META and Metadium swag.

Winner Announcement: Telegram Engagement Campaign for April & May

Thank you for your continued support of our project! We announce the winner of Telegram Engagement Campaign for April and May.


How Estonia is Pioneering the Digital Identity Space

Currently, Estonia leads the digital identity frontier, primarily because of its highly-developed national ID card system. Most importantly, Estonia’s application of a digital identity service showcases the many benefits of implementing a self-sovereign identity.



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Metadium powers identification, authentication and crypto transaction management, providing AML compliance and risk management solutions.