The road passed by the project. May

Published in
2 min readJun 11, 2019

Despite the fact that the competition in the crypto industry is high, and the market is not rather stable, we are pleased to note that due to the efforts of our team last few weeks have been marked by great releases. We have improved and optimized the process of rewards distribution and interface options expanded partners and made the work with #MetaHash even more comfortable!

To be exact, the most serious update was the launch of a new type of forging by wallet — active forging, which includes a new system of accounting rewards named tickets. Now the “Forging” tab contains a special block showing the amount of tickets participating in the distribution of the random awards. Be careful: for passive or active types of forging and delegation, different amounts of #MHC on the wallet and different actions are required, and the rewards, respectively, are formed from different pools. Also, do not forget that the coins frozen for delegation cannot participate in other types of forging, and forging by a wallet will be more effective from one device with one IP.

Infrastructure Torrent Node testing was also launched to support the functioning of corporate users, such as exchanges, retail, banking and others, which provide the greatest load on the network. You can find the source code of this role on GitHub and join the testing! However, it is necessary to hurry — this month we are adding a new role on the Mainnet.

Our project is connecting with new partners, so, now it’s easier to find, easier to follow the capitalization and easier to perform various operations: firstly, #MHC is listed on CEX with Fiat pairs, secondly, users of Blockfolio can receive the latest updates about #MetaHash directly from our development team, and thirdly, #MetaHashCoin is now tracked on CoinGecko, one of the largest and earliest aggregators of cryptographic data!

We’ll share information about upcoming events and updates in the near future. Stay in touch!

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We are expanding the pool of partners: now exchanges could list our token themselves. Here is a link to the guide —

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